
Woman Slips Out of Her Car Just Before an Oncoming Train Totals It

Adam Weinstein · 05/23/14 10:25AM

A Florida woman narrowly escaped with her life after her car stalled out on the tracks in front of a commuter train Monday. State officials released unbelievable video of the incident from the train's perspective, showing the woman's car door opening just before the impact.

Taylor Berman · 09/18/13 10:13AM

Six people were killed this morning when a double-decker bus collided with a train in south Ottawa. According to witnesses, the bus crashed “head-on” into the train after ignoring warning signals at the crossing.

We Used to Have Another Moon, Until Our Moon Murdered It

Max Read · 08/03/11 08:56PM

Scientists have long puzzled over the odd shape of the Moon: One side is "dominated by low-lying lava plains" while the other is "composed of highlands." But we may finally know why! Because the moon is a murderer.