Heath Ledger, Britney Spears Teach Money Lessons On Awful New Site
Ryan Tate · 02/11/08 06:42AM
It sounds too ludicrous to be true, but unfortunately it is very real: financial news publisher just launched a site that takes tabloid celebrity stories, gets your attention, and then segues into financial advice. The front page of the site, at, recently included stories ostensibly about Shaquille O'Neal, Tom Cruise and Jason Biggs, but really about rolling over your 401(k), saving money on a motorcycle and buying a wedding ring. cofounder Jim Cramer may have developed a taste for a large audience at his popular CNBC call-in show Mad Money, but this hardly the way to build one. The warmed-over celebrity news will not draw gossip hounds, while the financial advice would be better off on its own, for easy Googling when you need that sort of information. After the jump, how the site treated Heath Ledger's death, and other insane excerpts from this misguided mashup.