This Week in Commenter Executions
Chris Mohney · 09/07/06 01:40PMThe Next Great Blogger Book
abalk2 · 08/11/06 01:20PM
Our comment policy is fairly simple: Comment privileges are only open to those who have been invited, either by us or by a friend. (And, of course, the lucky unwashed who sneak in during our infrequent amnesties.) Still, that doesn't stop the clueless hordes from filling our inbox with requests for admission, the majority of which go immediately to the trash folder.
Getting to Know the 'Us Weekly' Demographic
Jessica · 07/31/06 12:45PMRight This Way Please, Angry Mobs
Chris Mohney · 07/28/06 04:50PM
So, we were just lounging around in our midafternoon pjamas, wondering when we can shift from white to brown liquor and measuring out the evening's pretend cocaine, when inspiration struck. Comments have been so much fun lately, why not open the floodgates? We could create another one of those anonymous comment logins for anyone to use over the weekend. After all, what could go wrong? Therefore: until it becomes too much of a hassle, the uninitiated may play around with an open comments account on this post by logging in as [redacted] with password [redacted]. In the comments below, feel free to respond to recent posts, make suggestions, or complain like a lil' bitch. Play friendly, or mommy spank, and not in the good way.
This Week in Commenter Executions
Chris Mohney · 07/24/06 08:30AM
Overlooked in all the excitement during our one-day commenter invitation free-for-all was the note that banning of commenters would become "much more arbitrary and punitive, and such banning may be accompanied by public ridicule and execution." Well, guess what time it is? May we present commenters who have been banned, as of right now, for the following criminal trespasses:
Normal Commenting Fascism Reinstated
Chris Mohney · 07/12/06 09:25AM
In case you didn't get the memo, the cutoff for the general comment amnesty was noon yesterday. The vault is once again closed, the dread angel once again guarding the door. All comment invites that are gonna be sent, have been sent. If you sent in a comment invite request during the eligible period, yet haven't received your invite, there are several possible explanations. In descending order of likelihood, they are: (1) The invite was redirected to your spam mailbox. (2) The amazing comment invite machine malfunctioned and did not send you anything. (3) Human error, ours or yours, resulted in no invite being sent. (4) You suck. Fortunately, the result is the same regardless of the reason — we're back to our standard comments policy, so plead your case if you want, but most of our ears are already deaf. Meanwhile, enjoy the flood of new commenters who made the cut, and chuckle at the endlessly inventive ways they employ the word "snark" in their usernames.
General Comment Amnesty Declared
Chris Mohney · 07/10/06 12:00PM
For one day, we're unlocking the castle gate to new commenters. Starting now until noon Tuesday, anyone who sends in a request for comment access to will duly receive a comment invite, no questions asked. You must include a valid email address, and of course you must abide by the rigorous strictures of the Gawker Comments FAQ, but otherwise it's an All Skate rink. New comment invites will be sent out en masse on Tuesday. Of course, there's a catch. Banning of comment trolls, idiots, and undesirables will become much more arbitrary and punitive, and such banning may be accompanied by public ridicule and execution. Play nice, or at least don't let the teacher see you.
Week's best comments: Marissa be ballin'
Nick Douglas · 05/19/06 09:34PMBest comments: Gettin' waggy on the plex
ndouglas · 05/05/06 07:04PMThe wittiest wits that ever...wittcized...checked in this week. Blackjack, sadly, didn't have any bon mots for us.
Comments of the week: Pud trashes his clippings
ndouglas · 04/07/06 08:29PMWeek's best comments:
ndouglas · 03/31/06 08:20PMFighting server issues and fidgety comment accounts this week, Valleywag readers bravely soldiered on in the War to be Witty.
Week's best comments: Bruce "Allchin" Campbell
ndouglas · 03/24/06 11:08PMWeek's best comments: "that ugly little blue kangaroo"
ndouglas · 03/17/06 09:44PMPeanut gallery's been roasting again:
Week's best comments: Working out our thetans
ndouglas · 03/10/06 03:33PMAs always, the wittiest people on Valleywag are the commenters. This week's best:
Week's best comments: Nathan Tyler and a naked Stowe Boyd
ndouglas · 02/24/06 12:10PMBest comments: "the Nob Hill Gazette with tags"
ndouglas · 02/07/06 11:36AMValleywag assignment: Tell me what to write
ndouglas · 02/04/06 10:41PMGoogle, Google, Google. There, that's out of the way. The biggest kid in the pool will always be the most fun to splash, but others need a soaking too. Time to tell me whose swimsuit needs a wedgie.