
This Is the Most Effective HIV-Awareness Commercial Ever

Matt Cherette · 08/23/10 02:09PM

Bears are cute! Well, people in bear costumes, at least—especially when they walk around with big smiles/hug people. But did you ever think about who's under the costume? Using that concept, here's the most effective HIV-awareness ad ever.

The Snazzy Napper Is Like a Snuggie/Burqa Hybrid from Hell

Matt Cherette · 08/19/10 09:51PM

This exists: the Snazzy Napper, a "sleep and privacy shield" that "blocks out light." The extra large version even doubles as a blanket! In reality, though, it's possibly the stupidest product we've ever seen advertised. Inside, the secondhand embarrassment-inducing commercial.

Your Japanese WTF Video of the Day

Matt Cherette · 07/22/10 11:55AM

Japan is so weird! Seriously. Well, not everything about Japan is weird, but some of their commercials/viral videos sure are—like this one, which appears to be a commercial for green tea that... makes you grow boobs? Video inside.

Retro Cell Phone Ad Is Nostalgia at Its Finest

Matt Cherette · 07/08/10 12:06PM

Remember those giant—and, at the time, revolutionary—cell phones from the early '90s that weighed about 20 lbs. and made you embarrassed to be seen anywhere with your father? If so, this commercial will make you feel all ~nostalgic~.

Jane Lynch: "Damn You, Gizmodo"

Matt Cherette · 06/07/10 04:58PM

The iPhone 4 was (officially) announced mere hours ago, but the Internet has already produced a great parody ad featuring Jane Lynch and KassemG. Inside, video of Lynch and her cohort lamenting "leaked" features and name-checking Gizmodo in the process.

Argentinean Basketball Team Combats Killer Plants in Mesmerizing Ad

Matt Cherette · 06/01/10 02:26PM

In this awesome commercial for Li Ning—aka the low-budget version of Nike—Argentina's 2004 Olympic Gold Medal winning basketball team maneuvers the court as a cascade of killer plants (Triffids?) tries to stop the men from scoring. Video inside.

Apple Debuts iPad Commercial During the Academy Awards

Matt Cherette · 03/07/10 09:10PM

We already know it's Hollywood's biggest night. Now, Silicon Valley is having an event of its own. Why? Because Apple just debuted its first iPad commercial during the initial break of the Oscars telecast. Inside, video of the 30-second spot.

SNL Mocks Steve Jobs, Others in Undercover Boss Spoof

Matt Cherette · 02/28/10 01:41PM

Tonight's episode of SNL was a bore until this: a hilarious, celebrity-centric spoof of CBS' Undercover Boss that featured Steve Jobs as a trash man (you know where this is going), Richard Branson, Martha Stewart and more. Video inside.

The Night Olympic Ice Dancing Went Absolutely Crazy

Matt Cherette · 02/23/10 12:25AM

I don't know how to explain everything that this post contains in a lede, but I'll try: tonight's Olympic ice dancing was... INSANE. Inside, Linkin Park, Requiem for a Dream, Home Alone, a sexxxy commercial and Schindler's List—seriously.

NBC's New Tonight Show Promo a Slap in Conan O'Brien's Face

Matt Cherette · 02/18/10 11:35PM

As the world awaited (still does) Johnny Weir's free skate routine at the Olympics, NBC aired a promotional ad for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. And, honestly, the choice of song proves the network never cared about Conan O'Brien.

Soaring Gas Prices Force Poor P. Diddy to Fly Commercial!

ian spiegelman · 08/30/08 11:26AM

You think you've got it rough with gas prices through the roof? Hell, all you have to worry about is driving to work, forgoing vacations, and watching your family freeze this winter. Meanwhile, hip-hop entrepreneur Sean "P. Diddy" Combs can't even fly his private jet to L.A. these days to further his "acting career." Seriously, the man has been reduced to flying first class and posting videos about this frightening turn of events. "As you know, I do have my own jet, but I've been having to fly back and forth to L.A. pursuing my acting career," he says. "Now, if I'm flying back and forth twice a month, that's like $200,000, $250,00 round trip. I'm back on American Airlines." His sad, sad video blog post-in which he whines, "Give a shout out to all my Saudi Arabia brothers and sisters and all the brothers and sisters in all the countries that have oil... if you could please send me some oil for my jet, I would truly appreciate it."-is after the jump.