
abalk · 06/27/07 11:28AM

You notice how everything has looked screwy here this week? Comments disappearing or bunching up, pictures not aligning properly, tags not displaying on the main page, that sort of thing? Management decided to impose technical changes on the site without testing them out first. There's a lesson here, but we're pretty sure no one's gonna learn it.

Defamer's Next Top T-Shirt Slogan

mark · 01/12/07 02:19PM

In our ongoing attempt to give you new and exciting ways to interact with this Intertubes Blogsite and fritter away even more of your employer's valuable time, we are happy to invite you, the reader who always believed that the whispers the voice inside your head distracts you with as you try to roll calls would make a catchy t-shirt slogan, to provide (and/or vote on! See? Interactive!) the idea for the next high-quality Defamer garment to be sold in the Gawker Shop. Here's how it works: The creative-minded can submit their slogans in the form found after the jump (after submitting, you'll be whisked off to the live, Digg-style voting), while the impatient and judgmental can jump directly to the voting page to celebrate the inspired or euthanize the feeble. And while we recognize that you are undoubtedly brimming with sloganeering genius, we prefer you not drain your reserves too quickly, and so limit you to a single submission every half-hour. Get to work, before the Lindsay Lohan-related idea you had is rendered obsolete by a newer and more suspicious emergency surgery.

World Series Wager: Just Happy To Be Here

abalk2 · 10/27/06 11:50AM

You may recall our World Series wager with Will Leitch of Deadspin: Should Leitch's Cardinals win it all, we'd do a full day of his posts on the sports site in addition to our duties here, while if our Tigers prevailed Will would be forced to do twenty-four posts in a day across the sites. Well, after last night's 5-4 Cardinals victory, it's looking increasingly likely that you're stuck with us. Yeah, you gotta believe, anything could happen, teams have come back from bigger deficits before, etc.; barring inclement weather the whole thing will be over one way or the other by Sunday. We're reminding you of this bet not to elicit any sympathy for our plight (don't worry about us, we've got a shoebox full of crank and a copy of The Sporting News) but as a warning: Should we, in fact, be manning both helms on Tuesday we have a very strong suspicion that Deadspin's commenters will be following us over here and, to be frank, those people are animals. Be prepared.

Detroit Tigers Offer You Opportunity To Be Free of Us For a Day

abalk2 · 10/20/06 01:10PM

So if you're a New York baseball fan of any variety your last remaining postseason hopes died last night on Carlos Beltran's called third strike. But fear not, New Yorkers: Much like walking angioplasty advertisement Tommy Lasorda, we're here to tell you that even though the Mets and Yankees are out of the playoffs, you still have a reason to watch the World Series. As it turns out, an editor of this site is, for reasons too complicated and extensive to go into here, a longtime fan of the Detroit Tigers. The editor of Deadspin (pictured above), Gawker Media's sports blog, is, for reasons of geography, a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, Motown's Series rival. Much like publicity-seeking big city mayors who engage in jerkoff bets in the hopes of favorable news coverage, these two editors have also engaged in a wager, the terms of which are this: The editor whose team loses the Fall Classic will, on the Tuesday after the competition's conclusion, be forced to cover not only his own site's post requirements, but additionally pick up the other guy's posts for the day. So if you hate our guts and would much prefer to have the dynamic Mr. Leitch guest here for a day, you'll be rooting for the Tigers. Conversely, should you wish to see how we handle pictures of drunken backup QBs, you'll be pulling for the Cardinals. Who will prevail? Will it be Balk and human chimney Jimmy Leyland of the Tigers or Leitch and Tony "My only World Series win required an act of God" LaRussa of the Cards? Ultimately, the only real losers are the readers.

Defamer Cares What You Think: Omissions, Additions, And Suggestions Edition

mark · 09/22/06 09:13PM

In addition to our weekly commenter cancellations, a feature in which we think you've already taken an almost perverse pleasure, we're also launching another week-ending item in which you, the easily bored and strongly opinionated reader, can tell us about the kinds of things you'd like to see more of (or, as the case may be, less of) in the coming week. Want every post to be accompanied by a startlingly huge, officially approved Brian Grazer headshot, regardless of subject matter? Tell us. Think there's an area of Lindsay Lohan coverage that's being criminally neglected? Say so. Either drop us a line to enlightening us about your hopes and dreams for the coming week or duke it out in this post's comments if you're one of the lucky, chosen, unicorn-riding few. Sure, we'll probably just ignore most of the suggestions (especially if they're anti-Grazer-headshot rants), but you just might open our eyes to some things we've been too drunk (or hungover) to think of on our own.