
Live Television's Zen-Like Awkward Silences

Mike Byhoff · 12/09/09 03:19PM

24-hour news networks fill their days with non-stop rambling. But sometimes it would be nice if they could just calm down for one second. For those in need of a break, here's a full minute of awkward tv silences.

2009: An Autotuned Retrospective

Mike Byhoff · 12/08/09 05:39PM

2009 will be remembered for a lot of things. Those things will probably be remembered better if we mash 'em up and autotune them.

The Worst Fake Accents in Movie History

Mike Byhoff · 12/07/09 01:21PM

Blending accent, appearance and mannerisms, actors transform into different characters like an oversized fleshy chameleon. When they fail at this task—their only task—we reserve the right to mock them. By compiling a video of their ineptitude.

Clever Cats Opening Doors

Rose Annis · 12/04/09 11:45AM

More calculating than panda bears, these house cats have realized the one thing that separates man from beast - door knobs. Now that they've mastered this trick, they'd like to remind everyone that they will one day rule us all.

The Worst Playground Accidents Caught on Video

Yoni Lotan · 11/20/09 01:05PM

Remember the time you flew off the swing set and smashed your head on the ground, only to find that no one was around to see it? Thanks to the internet, that has all changed.

Adorable Babies Sucking on Lemons and Limes

Yoni Lotan · 11/09/09 02:00PM

When life gives you lemons, hand them to your baby to suck on and videotape their reaction. Hilarious cuteness ensues! We rounded up some of the most adorable for you below.

Mika Brzezinski Has the Worst Job in Television

Whitney Jefferson · 11/06/09 01:28PM

Finally, we understand why Mika Brzezinski constantly looks crazed and upset: because Joe Scarborough gets his kicks from constantly humiliating and belittling his co-host.

The Best of Shameless TV Product Placement

Mike Byhoff · 11/03/09 09:10AM

With DVR's zipping through commercials, advertisers are struggling to get viewers to see what amazing products viewers should be using. If we're not watching commercials, how can we possibly know that Stride® gum lasts so indelibly long?