
Man Faked a Coma For Two Years

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/21/14 06:30PM

A con artist who pretended to be in a coma every time he wanted to get out of court apparently managed to keep the charade going for more than two years.

Ashlee Simpson Exclusives Not Worth The Pretty Penny Papa Joe Was Hoping For

Molly Friedman · 04/17/08 07:05PM

We were admittedly underwhelmed upon hearing that lip sync princess Ashlee Simpson and her guyliner-sporting beau Pete Wentz were planning on tying the knot, but we are somewhat pleased to hear about all the trouble it's causing Papa Joe Simpson. Unsurprisingly, the engagement seems to be the result of Pete "doing the right thing" after knocking up his girlfriend. And in an attempt to turn a sticky situation into a pot of gold, minister-turned-Dadager Joe is allegedly trying desperately to make some quick cash by selling his daughter's story to the weeklies, conveniently timed to coincide with her upcoming album's release: