'Conde Nast Porfolio': The Hangover
Jesse · 06/05/06 10:03AM
The Post reports this morning that "Conde Nast and [EIC Joanne] Lipman have maintained strict radio silence on what the editorial thrust of Portfolio might be." Maybe the tab was tuned to the wrong station? Because the Times, Women's Wear, and Mediaweek somehow manage to get some details on that editorial thrust.
And Si Decides He Shall Call His Business Magazine 'Portfolio'
Jesse · 06/04/06 10:56AM
What the — media news on a Sunday? Indeed there is, because those Conde Nasties are tricky. And it's stop-the-presses stuff: The mag company's new business title, in the works for the last nine months under the direction of WSJ turncoat Joanne Lipman, finally has a title. It's Conde Nast Portfolio, which we must say is a much better choice than Quote, as WWD reported Thursday would most likely be the name. ("Where'd that quote from?" "Quote." "Huh?") Its first issue will arrive in May 2007, and the website — — is now live. There's still not much of inkling of what will be inside the thing, but two sample covers (click on them to enlarge) were attached to the press release. They are, naturally, also entirely inscrutable. Maybe there'll be more explanation tomorrow?