Jeffrey Epstein Will Pay You Again For All Those Massages
Choire · 10/15/07 09:30AM
Poor Jeffrey Epstein! The maybe-millionaire money-manager is apparently getting the stick from every young woman in the greater Florida area. Every chick—or, at least 40 of them— who's been in his Palm Beach house has realized that there's money in claiming to have been hit on or paid for sex or something by the randy fella, who is soon off to jail for 18 months because a bunch of teenagers lied to him and said they were 18 and then gave him "massages." We're not sure why this "new" piece of information is being aired in Page Six, though Epstein's people get a chance to advance-disparage any claimants, suggesting these nice young ladies are all money-hungry drug addicts. But they're still paying out, so get out of that methadone line and come get your cash!