Stop Obama Communist Terror With Magazine Subscription
Ryan Tate · 11/25/08 09:19PMSure, Barack Obama is saving the in-the-tank liberal media by lending his image to various tchotchkes, but did you know the president-elect is also going to reinvigorate the conservative media? Fox News expects to goose its ratings capitalizing on right-wing outrage, and conservative journal National Review is one step ahead: It's already running ads saying that if you sign up for a subscription now, you can stop the godless Democratic pinkos from raising your taxes next year. Staff are deserting the magazine right and left, but apparently it is still confident it can single-handedly foil the Democratic Congress! Watch the hilarious ad, seen on Fox News, after the jump.
GOP Wonderboy Is First Millennial Member of Congress
Alex Carnevale · 11/23/08 04:40PM
Despite my best efforts, I was born in the 1980s. So is the youngest member of Congress, Peoria, Illinois' Aaron Schock, after defeating 50 year old Democrat Colleen Callahan on November 4th. Winning around 59 percent of the vote in his urban district, the young Schock is already a rising star in the Republican party, and his devious grasp of new tactics has launched him next to Bobby Jindal in the annals of Hope and Change Republicans. Know this: my insidious generation will do absolutely anything it can to get your vote. This is just the beginning — there's nothing the media loves more than a fresh face, but promise me that you won't look a millennial politician directly in the eyes:A Republican had never won Schock's inner-city district before this election, and he did so by campaigning as a compassionate, benevolent Republican, reaching out to the African-American population in the area with a series of frightening commercials:
Neocon Can't Stand Democratic Hissing
Alex Carnevale · 11/09/08 09:00AM
The post-election issue of conservative rag National Review has nothing about Barack Obama's victory, having gone to press before this past week's election. This is a pity, but flipping through the print version of the venerable publication, you'll find some truly noxious points-of-view, the kinds of things NR doesn't trot out on its ever popular blog, The Corner. So it is with cultural critic Jay Nordlinger, who has decided that liberal "hissing" is a feature of the enemy.If you're not familiar with Nordlinger's usual anti-liberal ravings, you're missing the writings of an insane genius. Nordlinger believes liberals are something akin to the devil, and usually accuses them of being in league with Castro, Stalin or worse. And if you don't condemn atrocities constantly years after the fact like he does, you just don't care enough. (By the way, this is the guy who spends most of his time reviewing classical music for NR and other publications.) In this winning harangue against the liberal practice of hissing while in an audience, he fires one shell, over and over again: