Chickens Are People Now, Waiting Inside Their Moms to Be Born, People-Style
Caity Weaver · 04/19/12 09:41PMAnother Burglary Crew Copies Ben Affleck Movie
Maureen O'Connor · 10/18/11 04:18PMIs Jessica Simpson's New Christmas Song a Complete Mariah Carey Rip Off?
Matt Cherette · 11/11/10 01:49PMToday, Jessica Simpson debuted the first single from her upcoming Christmas album, called, "My Only Wish (For Christmas Is You)." One problem: it's a total rip off of Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You." Listen inside.
Dear Huffington Post...
Maureen O'Connor · 06/10/10 12:30PMShocker: Ke$ha Ripped Off Her Horrible SNL Performance
Matt Cherette · 04/18/10 03:36AMDaily Beast's Head Investigative Journalist Cops to Plagiarism
Brian Moylan · 02/05/10 05:27PMAP Lawsuit Laughably Says Media Shouldn't Steal
Hamilton Nolan · 02/19/09 09:27AMConversations With God Author Lamest Plagiarist Ever
Owen Thomas · 01/06/09 05:22PMThe tale of a winter pageant where a child displays a letter sign upside-down, turning "Christmas Love" into "Christ Was Love," was written by Candy Chand and published in Clarity in 1999, Motoko Rich reports. Walsch's excuse: Someone sent him Chand's story, unattributed, and he put it in his clippings file. He then retold it so many times he forgot it didn't actually happen.
NY 'Times' Pinball Story Shockingly Unoriginal
Pareene · 04/25/08 02:04PM
Today, the New York Times profiles Gary Stern, the owner of the last pinball-machine manufacturing company in the world. "To most," Times profiler Monica Davey says, "the story seems familiar." Well, it seemed familiar to us! Because in March of 2005, BusinessWeek profiled Gary Stern, the owner of the last pinball-machine manufacturing company in the world. Let's see what else these stories have in common!
Juno You Want It
Richard Lawson · 02/12/08 05:05PM
Because there are no new ideas left anywhere, the super duper hit film Juno is getting its very own knocked-up knock-off. Brenda Hampton, the woman behind the odious 7th Heaven, is peddling a new series about a young teenager who gets pregnant after a tryst with a popular boy at school. But there's a little nerdy kid who likes her too! What will she do? Probably say sassy things and talk on a hotdog phone. [NYMag]
Remind us, what's the point of an AOL-Yahoo merger?
Nicholas Carlson · 02/11/08 01:42PMJessica Seinfeld Totally Totally Plagiarized Cookbook Maybe!
Joshua David Stein · 01/08/08 03:56AM
Jerry Seinfeld's wife is really a bit much to handle. She sent 21 pairs of shoes to Oprah and totally (in our completely non-expert opinion) ripped off some lady's cookbook. The lady's name is Missy Chase Lapine (woah, pornstar much?) and her book was called the "Sneaky Chef." Jerry Seinfeld's wife's name, on the other hand, is Jerry Seinfeld's wife (too lazy to look up). Her book is called "Deceptively Delicious." Now Smoking Gun has the suit which includes some passages supposedly stolen from the book. They're after the jump. BUT before you go, ponder: Even though the words look the same and even the concept of the books are identical, a deeper issue is at stake. Nameley, who really has the right to pronounce universal truths? And once one is uttered, is that truth the property of the speaker or of the universe for which it is true. Kids always hate vegetables. Parents always lie to children to make them do the things they hate. Those who love us lie to us because they love us. Love is a lie. Jessica Seinfeld, Missy knows that. We all know that. Excerpts after the jump.