
Wal-Mart Employees Rip the Company on Its Own Internal Website

Hamilton Nolan · 07/12/13 11:00AM

Wal-Mart, a $254 billion corporation, is so terrified of its employees sharing their true workplace stories with us that it's purchased ads on Google and Twitter expressly targeted at our readers. On its employee website, the company also asked workers to share positive stories. Here are the comments they got.

Wal-Mart Is Scared of These True Stories From Its Own Employees

Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/13 01:00PM

Earlier this week, we published a new installment of our occasional series of true stories from Wal-Mart workers. The company was so displeased with its employees speaking publicly that they posted a plea on an internal website asking other employees to send us positive stories. We've gotten quite a few stories. But most aren't positive at all.

And Now, a Few More Stories From Wal-Mart Employees

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/13 02:57PM

In the past, we have brought you several volumes of true stories from Wal-Mart workers, describing what life is like as an employee of the biggest retailer on earth. Union-busting and heartless corporate behavior stories abounded. Today, we bring you a few more plaintive wails from inside the Walton empire.

McDonald's CEO in Feisty Racial Exploitation Accusation Exchange

Hamilton Nolan · 05/24/13 10:52AM

Annual shareholder meetings are the one time when activists traditionally get a chance to berate corporate executives directly, trying to goad them into exchanges. And hey, McDonald's had a pretty decent one yesterday. Featuring racism charges!

The Part-Time Job That Pays $1,122 Per Hour

Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/13 02:09PM

If you're looking for a job, we highly recommend becoming a corporate board member. The work is easy. The hours are slack. And the pay is absolutely amazing.

Coca-Cola Is Doing Everything It Can to Ensure Your Child Is Not Fat

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/13 02:45PM

America's most popular child-rearing consortium, the Coca-Cola corporation, declared today that it is taking a slew of new measures to make sure that you and your children do not turn into a bunch of walking diabetes bombs, courtesy of Coca-Cola products. Seriously, this is the last thing Coca-Cola is going to do for you, okay? Take some fucking responsibility, for chrissake.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/13 11:47AM

Amazon warehouse workers are forced to stand in line for 20 minutes or more— unpaid— at the end of their shifts, waiting for guards to search them for anything they might have stolen from work. They're suing, rightly.

Wal-Mart Despised From Coast to Coast

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/13 01:39PM

Crap purveyor Wal-Mart has been trying for years to build itself a store in New York City, one of the few places in America that doesn't already have 666 Wal-Mart locations. The company's had a surprisingly hard time of it, what with all the angry union members and grumbling liberals around here.

The Brave New Workplace World Includes Data Sensors Monitoring Employees at All Times

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/13 11:11AM

In order to have a job to make enough money to buy food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities of human life, The Company is going to need a few things from you. We need you to be here on time. We need you to fill out your TPS reports. And we're gonna need to track your every move and word via electronic sensors. Mmmmkay?

Why Wal-Mart Should Be Pushing for Socialism

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/13 01:30PM

Wal-Mart is widely despised by left wingers for reasons both philosophical and aesthetic. The company, in turn—though sometimes pushing for "green" improvements and other traditionally liberal notions that will help the Wal-Mart bottom line—is a heavy Republican donor and notorious union-buster, and generally behaves in the corporatist, center-right way that one would expect of one of America's largest corporations.

Americans Want to Take a Good Look at That Meat

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/13 09:47AM

Meat! Think it's just about dead animal flesh, hacked and ground and processed with ever less "natural" flavors and preservatives? Well, I guess you know everything, don't you? No you don't. There are still more secrets to be revealed, about America's obsession with nasty meat.

Does PepsiCo Need a New, Snackier Name?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/13 10:00AM

It's a classic American hero story: PepsiCo was flagging, so it did a lot of research in its top secret BEVERAGE LAB, and started spending more money on ads, and now it's doing better. What could be more American than that? High fructose corn syrup water, ads, corporate earnings—it's everything that symbolizes this great nation. But does PepsiCo need even more rebranding in order to achieve its goal of "A Sierra Mist in every hand, and a Frito in every mouth?"

We've Passed Peak Barnes & Noble

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/13 10:41AM

The national book store chain Borders folded in 2011, leaving Barnes & Noble as the undisputed king of Big Huge Chain Bookstores. In that specific industry, B&N has had no competition for the past year and a half. Yet they are preparing to downsize anyhow. The Big Huge Chain Bookstore golden era has passed.

It's All Just a PR Calculation for A.I.G.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/13 01:50PM

A.I.G., the backbone that runs one inch beneath the surface of the global economy, has gotten itself millions of dollars worth of free PR today by just considering joining a lawsuit against the U.S. government. To sue, or not to sue? To be ungrateful bastards, or to potentially miss a payday? It's not a complicated question, really.

The Year's Most Insipid Political Gesture

Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/12 10:25AM

If you buy coffee at a Starbucks in the Washington, DC area today or tomorrow, do not be surprised to find the words "Come Together" scrawled illegibly on your cup. You can blame this on the fact that Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is a tepid showman masquerading as a bold visionary.

Ronald McDonald Will Kill Santa Claus for $5,500

Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/12 11:15AM

McDonald's, a machine for turning cow fat into money, is really into America, Christmas, Kwanzaa, holidays, whatever the fuck, assuming those holidays are celebrated at a McDonald's restaurant, or sitting in a parked car in a McDonald's parking lot, forcing down McDonald's food as tears stream down your face. All you have to do is to look at McDonald's advertisements to realize that McDonald's has the utmost respect for family, togetherness, happiness, America, freedom, blah blah buy some french fries. McDonald's would open a location at your mother's funeral if it thought it could sell one additional Filet-O-Fish.