
The New Yorker's Tale of Two David Owens

Sheila · 12/09/08 05:59PM

From page 8 of this week's New Yorker: "EDITOR'S NOTE: On the Contributors page of the December 1st issue, the book "In Sickness and in Power," attributed to the New Yorker writer David Owen, was in fact written by a different David Owen." Even funnier? The "other David Owen" is, in fact, the former British Foreign Secretary one of the founders of their Social Democratic Party. And it's Lord Owen to you.

Grizzly Murders!

Sheila · 07/02/08 10:33AM

Hey, what's the new Robert Crais novel, Chasing Darkness, about? According to a full-page ad in yesterday's New York Times, it concerns a man linked to a "series of grizzly deaths." No, grizzly bears aren't being murdered left and right—we think they meant "grisly deaths." (Click to see.)

Caucus Confusion Among Americans, 'NYTimes' Fact Checkers

Maggie · 01/08/08 11:35AM

This morning's New York Times begs your pardon for an error in yesterday's editorial that said no winner of a contested caucus had ever gone on to win the White House. Turns out Dubya did, in 2000. We know the Times is rabidly anticipating the end of the Bush administration, but how hard is it to look up what happened the election before last? Admittedly, this whole "caucus" concept is a toughie. Yesterday, two of the most popular searches on Google, according to Room 8 founder Gur Tsabar, were "Iowa caucasus" and "caucasus," neither of which look quite right. A Caucasus isn't so much an agonizing exercise in televised self-government as a Russian mountain range. God Bless America.

Maggie · 10/18/07 01:20PM

"Because of an editing error, an obituary yesterday about the photographer Ernest C. Withers, who documented life in the segregated South in the 1950s and '60s, from the civil rights movement to the Memphis blues scene, misidentified the person he photographed arm in arm with Elvis Presley at a Memphis club in 1956. It was B. B. King, not the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." [NYT]

abalk · 09/28/07 08:30AM

"We misspelled the word misspelled twice, as mispelled, in the Corrections and clarifications column on September 26, page 30." [Guardian]

abalk · 09/25/07 01:30PM

"PROTESTING PLANS by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to lay a wreath at the World Trade Center attack site, the New York Daily News told the Iranian president in a headline to "Go to Hell." A Politics & Economics article yesterday incorrectly said the headline was in the New York Post." Nice to see the folks at the Wall Street Journal trying to give credit to their new fellow employees at the Post. Given the way the News has been destroying its competition in the front-page outrage department, the Post needs all the help it can get. [WSJ]

abalk · 09/18/07 10:41AM

When Times TV critic Virginia Heffernan wrote that "'K-Ville' opens with a silly in- medias-res chase sequence—meant, presumably, to grab you by the lapels—which turns out to be a dream," she had no idea how in medias res she really was: "A television review yesterday about 'K-Ville,' which had its premiere on Fox last night, critiqued the wrong episode. It was about next week's show, not last night's premiere." [NYT]

abalk · 09/05/07 12:45PM

"A picture caption in some copies yesterday about residents in Canyon, Calif., who bought their own pay phone misspelled the given name and the surname of the woman shown using the telephone. She is Philippa W. Heathcock, not Philiooa W. Heartcock." [NYT]