Costa Rica To Free All The Animals
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 08/11/13 03:22PMCosta Rica Accidentally Legalizes Gay Marriage
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 07/04/13 01:05PM'Sexy Tape' Scandal Rocks Costa Rica: Vice-Minister's Private Video Uploaded to YouTube After She Refuses to Pay Extortioner
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/01/12 04:50PMNo, Nicaragua Did Not Invade Costa Rica Because of Google Maps
John Cook · 11/19/10 10:05AMNicaragua Blames Google Maps for Accidental Invasion of Costa Rica
Adrian Chen · 11/06/10 04:38PMA Closer Look at the Sloth Sanctuary: Too Much Cuteness To Handle
Emily A. Farris · 08/09/10 03:13PMCosta Rica Is the Happiest Country in the World
Maureen O'Connor · 05/14/10 12:58PMRush Limbaugh Makes Beautiful Promise
Pareene · 03/09/10 02:33PMSwine Flu Targets Colombian President
Andrew Belonsky · 08/30/09 08:38PMIs Honduras' Military Junta The Hot New Revolution?
Foster Kamer · 06/28/09 11:00AMUpdate: Britney Spears Is Not Pregnant, Thank You Very Much!
ian spiegelman · 05/17/08 11:34AM
Despite looking slightly, vaguely puffy in some recent photos, Britney Spears is not expecting a third kid. "U.S. pop singer Britney Spears says she is not pregnant for a third time despite recent photographs showing her with a bloated stomach. The 'Toxic' singer says a new medication she is taking was responsible for her recent weight gain and not a third pregnancy, the Daily Mail reported Saturday. 'I am not pregnant — it is just my medication that makes me bloated,' Spears said of recent pregnancy rumors. A source close to the 'Baby One More Time' star told the British newspaper Spears has struggled with her weight since the birth of her 20-month-old son Jayden James. Meanwhile, a friend of Spears said she is spending some time with actor Mel Gibson and his wife in Central America to help her gain some perspective in her life."