
Did Beyoncé Steal Dance Moves (Again)?

Richard Lawson · 10/07/11 04:48PM

Accusations are swirling (simply swirling!) that the choreography for Beyoncé's instantly popular new "Countdown" video were copied from the work of Belgian contemporary choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. The sameness is rather striking!

Beyonce Delivers Pregnant Fierceness in 'Countdown'

Matt Cherette · 10/07/11 04:37AM

If you thought Beyonce's pregnancy would slow her down, think again. Here's the new music video for her latest single, "Countdown." It's possible the video was recorded before she showed off her baby bump at the VMAs in late August. Either way, you'll have a hard time not enjoying the eye-popping visuals and booty-shaking dance moves.

Keith Olbermann Gives 10 Reasons to Watch the New Countdown

Matt Cherette · 06/22/11 12:07AM

Last night, Keith Olbermann reincarnated Countdown on Current TV and it was pretty much the same exact show he had on MSNBC before the network gave him the boot. To call it "new" is a bit of a stretch, but Olbermann stopped by tonight's Late Show with David Letterman to promote the program and read off tonight's Top 10 list, "Reasons to Watch the New Countdown with Keith Olbermann." Video of the segment is above.

Keith Olbermann Thinks It's Up to Him to Save America

Matt Cherette · 06/20/11 11:51PM

Five months after MSNBC canned him, Keith Olbermann returned to television tonight as Countdown made its debut on Current TV. It's pretty much the same exact show: The new network is basically the only difference between this incarnation of Countdown and the last one. But just in case you have any doubts, Olbermann's typically over-the-top "special comment" this evening—in which he claims that he's the "last line of defense" when it comes to protecting America's independence from being taken away by evil corporations—is above.

Keith Olbermann's Return: Tongue-In-Cheek Intro, Gloat-Heavy Outro

Matt Cherette · 11/09/10 09:16PM

Tonight, our really short national nightmare ended when Keith Olbermann reclaimed the Countdown anchor chair. Olbermann wasted no time referencing his suspension when he slowly moved into the frame during a tongue-in-cheek introduction. Update: Olbermann's self-referential/gloat-heavy outro is also inside.

Did Jon Stewart Finally Get Through to Keith Olbermann?

Matt Cherette · 11/01/10 08:37PM

During tonight's Countdown, Keith Olbermann made a major announcement: effective immediately, he's suspending the show's "Worse/Worser/Worst Person in the World" segment, with an aim at eventually killing it altogether. What brought Olbermann to this decision? Jon Stewart, naturally! Watch inside.

Keith Olbermann's Ego Trumps the Truth

Gabriel Snyder · 05/14/09 10:15PM

Oh man, Keith Olbermann took to his nightly airwaves to try and shame CityFile, Wonkette and us for raising questions about his unexplained vacation last April. We're not sorry.

Keith Olbermann's Rupert Murdoch Imitation Involves Gawker, Pirates

Ryan Tate · 06/05/08 10:16PM

Looking for a decent excuse to advance his long-simmering feud with Rupert Murdoch and to do a weird Australian/pirate accent, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann seized upon the words of a former News Corp. insider, who claimed in one of our posts this morning that Murdoch fired Jane Friedman from HarperCollins because she canned powerhouse publisher Judith Regan in late 2006, and also because she squashed Regan's OJ Simpson book project. The source also claimed, tangentially and outlandishly, that Fox News chief Roger Ailes will soon be fired as well for his own role in the Simpson book fiasco. Predictably, this amused Olbermann to no end. For the crime of going to bat for the OJ book, Olbermann named Murdoch today's "worst person in the world," an honor previously bestowed to Fox News screamer Bill O'Reilly. He then did a killer Murdoch imitation that will surely put to rest those allegations that he's totally crazy. Clip after the jump.