America to Critics: Drop Dead! Couples Retreat Owns Weekend
Richard Rushfield · 10/12/09 11:30AM
When it comes to comedy, there's no arguing with taste. And if what America wants in their humor is the smirking, manic, his-lips-say-wacky-but-his-eyes-say-death-can't-come-quick-enough antics of Vince Vaughn, then who are we to argue?
Bad Vince Vaughn Movies Will Save Economy.
Andrew Belonsky · 10/12/09 04:50AM
Can someone please explain why Vince Vaughn's so popular? Seriously. Despite horrid reviews, his movie, Couples Retreat, which starred other, non-advertised celebrities like Jason Bateman, made $35 million this weekend. The recession sure isn't deep enough, huh? [Reuters]
Weekend Movieland Braces for Full Frontal Assault of Couple's Retreatmer
Richard Rushfield · 10/09/09 12:21PMThe weekend's big question is whether a trio of decent looking British imports can make a dent in the latest installment of Vince Vaughn's crusade against comedy. Our guess is no.