
MySpace Music party a dud

Owen Thomas · 11/07/08 02:20PM

When the highlight of the evening is Twitter CEO Ev Williams meeting faded hip-hop star MC Hammer, you know the night was a waste. Indie-music consultant Corey Denis reports that the event "had ten actual music industry people there, tops." MySpace didn't have much to celebrate, either: It has yet to appoint a figurehead CEO to its MySpace Music faux joint venture. The only thing confirmed about Courtney Holt, the MTV executive widely rumored to be taking the job, is his gender. (Photo by Brian Solis/

New MySpace Music chief Courtney Holt is a dude, okay?

Owen Thomas · 11/05/08 08:40PM

I feel sorry for Courtney Holt. Partly because the MTV executive is rumored to be taking a terrible job running MySpace Music, a feature of the social network masquerading as a separate company. But mostly because of his name. In a previous article, I was enough of a bonehead to refer to Holt as "she." Trying to do my part to promote the role of women in the tech industry, okay?

Another MySpace Music CEO candidate stalls on the job

Owen Thomas · 11/04/08 07:20PM

Why is it that Courtney Holt, the MTV executive reportedly offered a job running MySpace Music, has yet to take the CEO position there? Because, like the other candidates, he figured out that running a feature of a website is not a real job. v10_medium" alt="Another MySpace Music CEO candidate stalls on the job" title="Another MySpace Music CEO candidate stalls on the job" />

If You Were Abused by Sorority Mean Girls, Call Courtney Holt's Lawyer Now!

Sheila · 05/02/08 09:17AM

The lawyer for Courtney Holt, the 19-year-old who was brutally hazed by the mean girls of Phi Epsilon at Long Island's Hofstra University, has written us a letter. Just so everyone knows, he is "the Attorney for one of the bravest individuals I have ever met." That might be true, since Phi Epsilon has been rumored to brand their girls with a three-pronged fork! "Prior to practicing law I was a New York City Firefighter and as such do not use the accolade brave lightly." Not only did sorority girls beat on her, but the school tried to cover up the incident, he says: