While We're At It, Let's Free All Nonviolent Drug Offenders
Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/11 09:39AM
Attorney general Eric Holder has come out in favor of reduced sentences for thousands of people currently imprisoned on nonviolent crack cocaine convictions. (A recent law corrected the insane sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine; Holder is simply recommending that the new sentencing guidelines be applied to some people already in jail.) That's a great first step. Then can we let out all the other drug war victims, too?
World's Sleaziest Daycare Center Raided
Jeff Neumann · 02/26/11 04:10PMCrack Dealer Gave Motivational Speeches from Prison
Jeff Neumann · 02/17/11 06:10AM
Alleged crack dealer Jaquan "Jay Cash" Layne — while sitting in prison on armed-robbery charges — back in 2009 made phone calls from a Riker's Island pay phone to his lackluster sales crew in Harlem, prosecutors said yesterday according to the Post. So, how does one go about motivating a group of less-than-motivated crack dealers? Here's a several step guide, according to recorded conversations from Layne:
Police Say Man Hid Drugs in Penis
Max Read · 02/08/11 08:51PM
Police say they found a "small bag" of crack hidden inside the foreskin of one Antoine Banks, late of Fairdale, Ky., during a strip search ordered after another small bag of cocaine was found "tied to the waistband of Banks' boxers." There are, probably, better places on one's body to secrete contraband—certainly there are more comfortable places—but the drug-concealing ability of the male human foreskin is, I think, an under-explored aspect of the circumcision debate. [WLKY]
Britain Is Europe's Cocaine 'League' Leader
Jeff Neumann · 11/10/10 06:52AMTween Drug Dealer Enters Teen Years in Jail
Jeff Neumann · 08/20/10 04:59AMCrack Dealer Gets Married Right After Hearing on Drug Charges
Jeff Neumann · 08/08/10 11:39AMCongress Reduces Cocaine/Crack Sentencing Disparity
Jim Newell · 07/28/10 03:25PMReed College Can Be Prosecuted for Being a 'Crack House'
Maureen O'Connor · 05/05/10 02:41PMCrack-Smoking TV Newsman Indistinguishable From Colleagues
Hamilton Nolan · 12/21/09 10:45AMProof That American Apparel Advertisers Are Probably Actually on Crack
Sergio Hernandez · 12/07/09 02:36PMCrack, Ugh.
Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/09 09:47AMDick Durbin Launches Repentant War on Drugs, Racism
Andrew Belonsky · 10/16/09 12:20AMMarion Barry: Ladies' Man
John Cook · 07/08/09 02:14PMGive The Gift Of Snow
Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/08 12:08PMGeorge Michael Arrested in Yet Another Public Toilet
ian spiegelman · 09/21/08 08:41AM
Poor George Michael. Just weeks after completing his first world tour in fifteen years, the singer was busted in a London public bathroom for drug possession. The police report doesn't name Michael, but sources confirmed to the British press that he was busted Friday for crack possession after a suspicious bathroom attendant tipped off the cops. This comes after his famous 1998 arrest by an undercover officer for lewd conduct in a Beverly Hills bathroom, and his 2006 adventure when he plead guilty to driving under the influence of drugs after being found slumped over the wheel of his car and was forbidden to drive for two years. This time, the law is taking it easy on the former Wham front man.
Doing Crack With David Carr
ian spiegelman · 07/20/08 06:52AM
A memoir worth reading? Imagine that! New York Times media reporter David Carr's Night of the Gun comes out next month, and it's been treated to a nice nine-page excerpt in today's NYT Magazine. After detailing how he became a crack addict and how his dealer/girlfriend prematurely gave birth to his twin daughters (which you should totally read) he tackles the question of memoirs, which have been so sorely tarnished in the last few years.
Tatum O'Neal: 'The Dog Ate My Sobriety'
Mark Graham · 06/03/08 05:30PM
When word broke yesterday that Oscar winner Tatum "My Career Peaked Before I Had Pubes" O'Neal was pinched by the NYPD for buying crack off a vagrant, we found her initial explanation that she was simply doing research for a role just a bit far-fetched. After all, color us jaded, but we found it out of the realm of believability that late night trips through alleyways in search of crack rock would help her prep for her role as a mother in the sure-to-be-classic made-for-TV movie Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleading Scandal. So we were less than surprised to find no mention of this blatant falsehood when we saw the cover story in this morning's NY Post. We were, however, surprised to find a scad of other statements in the piece that sounded even less believable than her original "it was research" claim. After the jump, please play along as we help to decide which of her lies is the most egregious.
The Top Five Celebrity Cocaine Mistakes
Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/08 11:27AM
If you're famous, and you want to do cocaine (or smoke crack), our best advice is: don't do it, because you're a role model. Ha ha. But seriously, hopeless crackhead celebrities; if you're going to do it at least don't be an idiot. Coke is hardly even frowned upon in Hollywood, but getting busted while acting like a maniac can seriously impair your image and earning ability in middle America. So learn from your more unfortunate peers' mistakes; after the jump, five cases of cocaine-fuelled idiocy, and how not to reproduce them.