
I'm Still Big, It's The Water Bottles That Got Small

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/13/08 05:35PM

On the New York set of Life On Mars, veteran character actor Harvey Keitel pondered the good old days of making movies when pennies weren't being pinched on beverages. Keitel fondly remembered being on the set of Taxi Driver and the quality of liquid refreshments. Keitel added, "They had these bottles of Coca-Cola the size of a dachshund. Honest to God, they were THIS BIG [makes gesture with hands] and you would've sworn that they had been flown in from the Artic Circle because they were so cold and refreshing. Nowadays, it's all this baby bottle business."

Fiddlesticks, They Never Have What I Want!

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/09/08 12:05PM

On the set of her latest film, Labor Pains, Lindsay Lohan ran into a different kind of pain at the craft service table. Earlier in the day, Lohan had over heard a couple crew members raving about the donuts; in particular, the apple fritters at the craft service table. Yet, by the time, Lohan managed to make her way to the craft services, all of the pastries were gone. She asked a P.A. where had all the donuts gone, but the P.A. shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but they were really awesome. I think Stan in the camera department might have half of an apple fritter. I can check for you." Lohan decided against sharing the donut and picked up an apple instead. Lohan said, "If I can't have the delicious sugary baked thing, then I guess I'll have the boring, somewhat healthy thing as a snack."