Read This Craigslist Ad to Get What It's Like to Talk to Someone on Coke
Adam Weinstein · 05/19/15 03:55PM
“Hi, I am a reality show producer looking for an assistant for a Real Superman Show.” Simple, yes? No. This is “high concept” metaphysical stuff, and you, potential assistant, need to grasp the tenuous connection between phenomenal celebreality and literary fiction, so please bear with this producer for 5,500 words.
Woman Narrowly Escapes After Being Tied Up, Kidnapped by Craigslist Date
Jay Hathaway · 05/15/15 04:30PM
Michigan state troopers pulled over a 41-year-old man on suspicion of drunk driving early Wednesday morning after they saw him swerving across the road. It didn’t take them long to find the real reason he’d been driving erratically, though: a 22-year-old woman he’d just met through Craigslist was tied up in his backseat, kicking at him while he drove.
Boston's Number One Sweetheart Partially Buries New Yorker's Car in Snow
Jay Hathaway · 02/17/15 10:20AM
Just when you thought everyone in Boston was a dick, here's a good samaritan tale that will make you rethink your most deeply held beliefs regarding Massholes. When one Bostonian found someone with New York plates parked in his carefully shoveled spot, he took all the snow he had removed earlier and dumped it on top of the offending car ... but he was nice enough to leave the passenger door uncovered in case of emergency.
The Strange Underworld of Fashion Week Scalpers
Alice Hines · 02/16/15 11:10AM
New York's preeminent fashion week scalper sees selling tickets to invite-only shows as "good samaritan work." He's in his late 20s, says he's a Wall Street consultant by day, and describes himself as a liaison who helps connect friends—mostly underpaid fashion insiders—with outsiders eager to attend the closed-to-the-public events.
TSA Inspector Arrested in Craigslist Underage Sex Sting
Jay Hathaway · 08/08/14 03:35PMBaptist Church Leader Arrested for Soliciting Dog Sex on Craigslist
Jay Hathaway · 08/07/14 04:54PMRead the Definitive Review of Two Farts That Happened During Boyhood
Jay Hathaway · 08/06/14 11:25AMSoldier Will Get His Dog Back After His Evil Ex Sold It On Craigslist
Jay Hathaway · 06/18/14 12:05PMEd Begley Jr. Is Selling His 2002 Electric Toyota on Craiglist
Allie Jones · 06/12/14 01:00PMCraigslist Poster Busted in Undercover Horse Sex Sting
Jay Hathaway · 04/25/14 09:30AMSomeone Is Going to Follow Rob Ford Around With a Tuba for a Whole Day
Jay Hathaway · 03/28/14 10:59AMAdam Weinstein · 03/18/14 12:15PM
Somebody in D.C. Wrote the D.C.-est Craiglist Ad Ever
Adam Weinstein · 02/21/14 05:50PMThere's a Really Cool Pit Bull Rescue Story on Craigslist
Jordan Sargent · 02/16/14 05:30PMSnow-Trapped Drunk Man Makes Craigslist Plea for Emergency Taco Bell
Taylor Berman · 01/22/14 09:15AM
A man trapped in yesterday's snowstorm did exactly what snow-trapped people are supposed to do: He got drunk. He quickly realized, though, that he needed some Taco Bell but he knew that 1) he was too drunk to drive and B) even if he did drive, his hybrid car wouldn't make it through the snow. So he took his plight to Craigslist.