
Boston's Number One Sweetheart Partially Buries New Yorker's Car in Snow

Jay Hathaway · 02/17/15 10:20AM

Just when you thought everyone in Boston was a dick, here's a good samaritan tale that will make you rethink your most deeply held beliefs regarding Massholes. When one Bostonian found someone with New York plates parked in his carefully shoveled spot, he took all the snow he had removed earlier and dumped it on top of the offending car ... but he was nice enough to leave the passenger door uncovered in case of emergency.

The Strange Underworld of Fashion Week Scalpers

Alice Hines · 02/16/15 11:10AM

New York's preeminent fashion week scalper sees selling tickets to invite-only shows as "good samaritan work." He's in his late 20s, says he's a Wall Street consultant by day, and describes himself as a liaison who helps connect friends—mostly underpaid fashion insiders—with outsiders eager to attend the closed-to-the-public events.

Adam Weinstein · 03/18/14 12:15PM

How much does a puppy photographer make? About $750 a week in the DC area, apparently. Get those resumés and portfolios up to date now!

Snow-Trapped Drunk Man Makes Craigslist Plea for Emergency Taco Bell

Taylor Berman · 01/22/14 09:15AM

A man trapped in yesterday's snowstorm did exactly what snow-trapped people are supposed to do: He got drunk. He quickly realized, though, that he needed some Taco Bell but he knew that 1) he was too drunk to drive and B) even if he did drive, his hybrid car wouldn't make it through the snow. So he took his plight to Craigslist.