
Crain's Will Make the Recession Work Somehow

cityfile · 06/24/09 10:53AM

Don't be fooled by the headline that reads "Job hunting? Send your resume to Crain's." Because they're not actually hiring anyone. (They've been laying off staff, actually.) But they would love a copy of your resume to publish in the weekly newspaper. Free user-generated content for a struggling paper, some exposure for a desperate job-seeker: It's a match made in heaven! [Crain's]

Remnick's New Book, More Departures at CNN

cityfile · 12/15/08 11:29AM

New Yorker editor-in-chief David Remnick has confirmed he's writing a book about "Barack Obama, race and politics in America." [Politico]
• David Shuster is the new host of MSNBC's 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. [NYT]
Vogue was the most profitable magazine at Condé Nast this year. [P6]
• Crain Communications (AdAge, Crain's New York) is laying off 60. [NYP]
• The list of layoff victims at CNN grows longer: Jamie McIntyre, Kelli Arena, Linda Stouffer and Rusty Dornin are all on the way out. [TVN]
The Day the Earth Stood Still was No. 1 at the weekend box office. [NYT]