
They Said I Might Get To Keep My Wardrobe. Isn't That Great?

Douglas Reinhardt · 05/02/08 01:50PM

An overly excited Corey Haim made a semi-triumphant return to mainstream filmmaking yesterday afternoon on the set of Crank 2. Haim told anybody who'd listen to him that it was the first time he's been on a real set since License To Drive, then proceed to fill his pockets and canvas bags with various items from the craft services table. After Haim was taken to his trailer, he asked the production assistant when will they come by to take orders for the drugs that they're going to need to get through the day.

Amy Smart's Nipple Tape Only the Second Most Compelling Thing About 'Crank 2'

STV · 04/29/08 07:45PM

The Internet is celebrating Monday's first day of shooting on Crank 2: High Voltage the only way it really knows how: by circulating topless shots of co-star Amy Smart on location. Already knowing the plot (Jason Statham jams all over town to keep his artificial ticker above a lethal heart rate) and its general means of execution (public sex between Statham and Smart, for starters), we now have only the remaining mystery of how and exactly why Smart is bumming around the set with gaffer's tape on her nipples. After the jump, we think we may have discovered the root of her modesty.