Arizona's' 'Civility Institute' Will Tame State's Insane Masses
Jim Newell · 02/21/11 04:35PM
Does anyone have a solution for America's "Arizona problem"? The once-peaceful cactus colony is now an embarrassment to a nation that has many, but nothing quite like this. It really should've been obvious for years: When you move billions of elderly white people to an area with a large minority population and then take away everyone's money and houses in an overnight market collapse, everyone gets all worked up, and they all have guns, and the legislature responds by crapping out strange, violent pieces of legislation that should only appeal to dogs but get a decent reception among delirious broke people, too. And then someone shoots a member of Congress, which may or may not have anything to do with anything.
Tea Party Takes a Stand Against Working Class
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TPM · 02/13/11 10:20PMPamela Geller, the most vocal of the activists opposed to the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" to be built two blocks from the former site of the World Trade Center, said Friday that the Conservative Political Action Conference she was speaking at had itself been "corrupted" and "compromised by Muslim Brotherhood activists."
Mark Zuckerberg Has an Actual Facebook Stalker
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Remy Stern · 02/03/11 12:15AMCome Adopt a Cat at "Kitty Midnight Madness"
Kristina Grosspietsch · 01/28/11 07:30PMWhile it may not actually be a real event, this commercial for an all-night kitten sale makes me wish it were. Buy one kitten, get 5 free—you can't pass up a deal like that!