
This Program That Judges Use to Predict Future Crimes Seems Racist as Hell

Andy Cush · 05/23/16 07:47AM

Criminal court systems across the country are using Northpointe, a Minority Report-esque algorithm designed to predict an offender’s likelihood to commit another crime in the future, to aid decisions about things like eligibility for bail and jail-diversion programs. Unfortunately, just like many non-algorithmic elements of the justice system, Northpointe seems to have a thing against black people.

New Orleans' Plagued Public Defender Office Can't Even Afford to Represent Itself in Court

Andy Cush · 03/30/16 05:17PM

With the utter breakdown of the public defender system in Louisiana showing no sign of abating, the New Orleans Times-Picayune has published a profile of an average public defense attorney who has remained loyal to the cause despite having every conceivable reason to find a new job. In a detail that English teachers in Louisiana would no doubt describe as the perfect example of irony if Louisiana education budgets weren’t sitting on the chopping block alongside the public defender system, the article notes that the defender’s office is so broke it can’t even afford a lawyer for itself.

Connecticut Prisoners Protesting 'Unfair' Porn Ban

Lauri Apple · 10/09/11 06:09PM

Dissent is in the air in America! Even behind bars, the people are rising up against oppression. In Connecticut, prisoners have begun a letter-writing campaign to defend their right to own "pictorial depictions of sexual activity or nudity," otherwise known as Pornographic Magazines. Letters today! Hunger strikes tomorrow!

Peeing in Courtroom Trash Cans Isn't Advisable

Lauri Apple · 09/04/11 04:29PM

Looking for ways to make your upcoming criminal trial more memorable for everyone involved? Urinating into a courtroom trash can while the judge and various spectators are present is one way to achieve results, as one Texas teen recently demonstrated.

Woman Facing a Decade in Prison for Stealing One Can of Crappy Beer

Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 02:16PM

For allegedly stealing a 24-ounce can of Steel Reserve, Victoria Hill of Boise, Idaho now faces up to ten years behind bars. Officers charged her with felony burglary, because she stuck the beer in her purse and walked by some cash registers—thereby indicating "intent."

Sean Bell Cops Walk

ian spiegelman · 04/25/08 09:07AM

The three New York City police detectives charged with manslaughter in the 2006 shooting death of Sean Bell, 23, on his wedding day as he was leaving his bachelor party with two friends were acquitted of all charges this morning. The officers fired fifty shots at Bell and his friends, who were all unarmed, outside of a Queens strip club.