
Fun New Crowd Control Weapon Deployed to Afghanistan

Jeff Neumann · 06/20/10 03:24PM

Ever wonder what it's like to be set on fire? Step in front of the US military's "pain ray" Active Denial System and find out! It has recently been deployed to Afghanistan, but "has not been used operationally," yet.

10-Year-Old 'Problem Child' Tasered by Police

Jeff Neumann · 04/01/10 06:02AM

Two Indiana cops have been suspended after they were accused of slapping and using a Taser on an "out of control" 10-year-old boy at Tender Teddies Day Care in Martinsville. The repeat offender "wouldn't quit" kicking and screaming. [6News, via]

Top Models Stampede!

Joshua David Stein · 03/15/09 01:00PM

The likely answer is that there was little rhyme or reason to their stampede. Often when a group of anxious nervous and excitable models get together they tend to panic. This is because hopes of fame, ponies, and combine with aggression, uncertainty and self-delusion to combust into a fireball, sometimes called a tizzy. And once one person snaps, or tizzies, everyone snaps and they run around and into each other. This is only exacerbated when the would-like-to-be models are short—-the call was only open to women under 5'7"—and have very little chance of actually becoming a professional models without the help of Tyra et al. The Daily News is reporting that the riot was incited by someone yelling fire. But the only fire burning yesterday was likely the smoldering frustrations inside the breasts of the hopefuls

Tim Faulkner · 06/07/07 12:31PM

AT&T, confident of iPhone success, is hiring temporary staff to herd crowds and assuage angry shoppers. [Appleinsider]