A Theory As to Why So Many People on the Internet Have an Insatiable Crush on Azealia Banks
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 12:03PMI think it's because she talks about oral sex just as much as Lil Kim but instead of Biggie in the background there's some kinda nerdy guy and so some people on the internet do a double take and say "The pretty smiling dancing girl in pigtails and short shorts who loves oral sex sometimes hangs out with kinda nerdy guys? Ah HMMMM."
Who Is Your Same-Sex Celebrity Crush?
Brian Moylan · 09/14/11 03:40PM
It's a time-honored tradition for reports at gay newspapers or magazines to ask straight celebrities, "If you played for the other team, who would you want to sleep with?" It's like that will make them slightly more gay or something. But everyone seems to have a celebrity they want to bone who is not of the gender they usually bone. Who's yours?
Qaddafi Kept a Special Photo Album of Condoleezza Rice in His Palace
Adrian Chen · 08/25/11 10:03AMWhat's So Special About Robert Pattinson?
Brian Moylan · 03/03/11 04:01PMWho Is the Real Sexiest Man Alive?
Brian Moylan · 11/17/10 03:23PMHarry Reid Wants Ten Million of Kirsten Gillibrand's Babies
Jim Newell · 09/21/10 12:35PMRepublican Congressman Madly in Love with Barack Obama
Jim Newell · 09/02/10 01:23PMDaniel Radcliffe Is Basically Perfect
Richard Lawson · 08/11/10 03:26PMAndrea Peyser Has Major Crush on Lindsay Lohan
Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/10 08:37AMAndrea Peyser Wants to Bone Harold Ford
Hamilton Nolan · 01/19/10 10:11AMJude Law Will Hurl Oranges at Any Girl Watching Him Do Yoga
Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/09 10:57AMPresident Obama Reveals Extent of Malia's Crush On Nick Jonas
Kyle Buchanan · 01/28/09 04:45PMObama Hotties To Throw Yourself At
Ryan Tate · 12/05/08 12:52AM
The crowd in the top left picture there was gathered tonight in honor of future White House press Secretary Robert Gibbs. "[His] cock may be sore from the hours of blow jobs here but he retains his good humor," Time's Ana Marie Cox wrote from the frenzied mob. That's only half a joke: Gibbs may not be a hottie in the conventional sense (except in a dogfight), but if you're a journalist soon to cover the president-elect — and who isn't, on some level? — you better start the kissing up as soon as possible (preferably three years ago). Luckily for the Obama supplicants, this administration is considerably younger and hotter than the last, and even tops the Clinton administration, with its charming young George Stephanopoulos, the It Boy of his administration.
Sheila · 08/26/08 09:15AMOne More Thing: Who is Your 1960s Crush?
ian spiegelman · 08/17/08 06:01PM
Okay, clearly I am going to milk this crush theme until I'm asking you all to post daguerrotypes of pre-Victorian stage performers and ballerinas. But we're not there yet! The 1960s is recent enough for all of us to have seen lots and lots of its movies and TV shows and to have developed childhood-or childlike-crushes on its many attractive stars. So, who's your fave? Mine after the jump. If you can pull yourself away from Michael Phelps for two minutes!
One More Thing: Who is Your 70s Crush?
ian spiegelman · 06/15/08 04:41PM
Yesterday's installment brought forth so much thrillingly lovely eye-candy that I'm sticking with the theme today. Only difference is that we'll be delving even further back into our collective crush unconsciousness. Crush-onciousness? Whatev. I'll start it off with my choice for most amazingly glorious 1970s heartbreaker.
One More Thing: Who is Your 80s Crush?
ian spiegelman · 06/14/08 06:09PMWe Totally Have A Chance With John Krasinski
Emily Gould · 07/11/07 02:40PM
"John Krasinski doesn't need a woman who's well versed in the latest fashions. In fact, he says, a girl in a cardigan would do just fine. Asked by August's Glamour whether he'd be amenable to dating 'a normal girl' like Pam, his Office crush, Krasinski, 27, replies: "Yes, please! It's not about celebrity or not. It's all about, do you have that 'girl in a cardigan' in you. You gotta have that." Come on down to our offices, John. We're all wearing cardigans. Only cardigans.