'You Oughta Know' That Dave Coulier Knows What You Know About Him and Alanis
Kyle Buchanan · 08/14/08 11:50AM
It was the rumor that rocked the 1990s: was Alanis Morissette's angry, fellatio-referencing "You Oughta Know" actually about sweet ol' Uncle Joey from Full House? It was a story that seemed just bizarre enough to be plausible. After all, Joey-essayer Dave Coulier loved ice hockey, and Morissette was Canadian! Now, prompted by the impending Comedy Central roast of Bob Saget, Coulier had a sit-down with the Calgary News where he revealed that yes, every time Alanis scratches her nails down someone else's back, he feels it:
Insane State of Body Issues Drama Apparently Google's Fault
Pareene · 05/16/08 09:05AM
"The watershed moment for bodysnarking, Ms. Redd says, came a few years ago when Google introduced its advertising program AdSense. 'The program allowed sites to track pages viewed and make ad revenue based on the number of visitors. [Blogger] Perez Hilton realized that nobody cared about his personal shopping trips; they cared when he posted pictures comparing Britney's private parts to a roast beef sandwich.' The masses had spoken: Bodysnarking was now a revenue generator." [WSJ]