
Kids Sue Government For Being Mean to Earth

Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/11 08:18AM

Often, kids these days are pessimistic; they don't think they have the power to change anything. But one plucky group of teens is standing up for themselves, by suing the U.S. government for not protecting the earth. Whoa, citizens!

Gyrating Baby Dances His Way in to Our Hearts

Kristina Lucarelli · 06/17/10 12:31PM

Dancing babies, aren't they the greatest? This kid takes it to a new level, complete with table top groovy hip shaking and Elvis style finger pointing. All set to salsa music. Sweet dance moves? Check. Potty Training? Pending.

Baby Gets Cochlear Implant, Reacts to First Sound

Matt Cherette · 05/28/10 11:36AM

If you're having a bad day, this video should cheer you up—or at least put things into perspective. Here's Jonathan, an eight-month-old deaf baby who received a cochlear implant. Watch as Jonathan reacts to hearing his first sound.

Cute Polar Bear Solves Energy Crisis

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/08 05:16PM

If you're an energy company trying to get the public to like you, there's only one way to go: cute polar bears. Forget about the energy crisis. Look at the polar bears! National Grid has wisely picked the salvation of polar bears as its charity of choice, and they have a sweet website full of sweet animated polar bears. Even better, they have a TV ad to fulfill every kid's dream: a nice cute polar bear pet! They're all so cuddly and friendly, we wuv them. Shortly after this commercial wrapped, four children were viciously mauled by polar bears (NOT REALLY). Below, the adorable ad that will make you visit the Arctic for a polar bear of your very own. Yay, energy companies!

Please Stop Talking About Puppies

Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/08 12:13PM

One of the things I never figured out about the internet is why certain sites have commenters, who those commenters are, and what compels them to do what they do. It's one thing to spend your time commenting on a site that has witty, engaging repartee, like this one. But some other places are inexplicable. Like one that came to my attention today: It exists to post puppy pictures. Okay, fine, I have nothing negative to say about that, dog Nazis. But do said puppy pictures require 90 comments just today, which all sound like this actual example: "Oh baby you are such a cutie-pie. A zillion biscuits and cuddles poppet and have a wonderful life. xxxxxxxxxxx." GOD. It really challenges your ability to even continue liking puppies. Below are some more of the deep thoughts on Chloe the Labrador Retriever, today's puppy (pictured). This dog can't read, you fools!