What in the Internet World Is Cyber Monday Anyways? A Guide
MTanzer · 11/25/12 12:54PMHoliday Shopping Tip: Beware Hidden Needles at Wal-Mart
Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 11:48PM
Say what you will about Cyber Monday and the surge of online consumerism in the days that follow — it does tend to remove an element of risk from the holiday shopping experience. For example, there's an almost zero percent chance that you'll accidentally stab yourself with a hypodermic needle while browsing brassieres at Wal-Mart if you buy those brassieres with a computer.
Cyber Monday Has Made Mindless Consumerism Fashionable Again
Adrian Chen · 11/28/11 04:40PMFeds Celebrate Cyber Monday With Massive Domain Name Seizure
Lauri Apple · 11/26/11 01:49PMFeds Raid Illegal Retail Websites—But Some Just Pop Back Up
Remy Stern · 11/29/10 07:02PMCyber Monday Gets Four-Day Extension
cityfile · 11/30/09 02:11PMCyber Monday crashes an online-shopping tradition
Owen Thomas · 12/01/08 01:20PM
As white-collar workers return desultorily to their desk jobs, they waste time by shopping online. To capitalize on this, a group of online retailers invented "Cyber Monday," a day of Internet discounts to match Black Friday's in-store deals. You'd think that the planned traffic from such a staged event would go off smoothly. But you'd be wrong.
Eat your heart out, Cyber Monday debunkers
Nicholas Carlson · 11/28/07 03:01PM
The online shopping extravaganza that is the Monday after Thanksgiving may be a two-year-old fabrication which pains you to no end, but you can't dispute the numbers. This year, online retail spending on Cyber Monday jumped 84 percent over the previous month's daily average, according to ComScore. Cash registers e-commerce transaction servers rang up $733 million in sales, up 21 percent over last year. There was also a 38 percent increase in the number of online buyers this year. So expect to hear the term for years to come. Cyber Monday, Cyber Monday, Cyber Monday!
Yahoo stores overwhelmed by "Cyber Monday" traffic
Nicholas Carlson · 11/27/07 04:33PMFox Business Network interviewee not "fair and balanced"
Jordan Golson · 11/26/07 08:13PM
Fox Business conducted "man-on-the-street" interviews for "Cyber Monday." (Note: I want to gouge my eyes out when I hear that ridiculous name, myth or not.) The object? To see if people really were shopping online more. Let's not even get into the question of why Fox thought they'd find people shopping online if they were interviewed on the street. Even so, a Fox reporter found Peter Perweiler at the ESPN Zone in Washington, D.C.