
Invading D6, the Wall Street Journal's posh pooh-bah conference

Owen Thomas · 05/27/08 02:40PM

CARLSBAD, CA — D, the Wall Street Journal schmoozefest which opened today with a round of golf at the Four Seasons Aviara Resort, is not the conference for the rest of us. It attracts a host of tech and media CEOs who agree to be harangued onstage by Walt Mossberg, the sexagenarian of sexy gadgets, and Kara Swisher, the diminutive media commentaterrorist of AllThingsD.com. In exchange, they get to seem classy and witty, if only by comparison. It is the sort of elite event to which Valleywag is not invited. We showed up anyway.

Just letting you know, this man is not Ze Frank

Nick Douglas · 04/27/07 09:20PM

NICK DOUGLAS — The upcoming D Conference, run by Wall Street Journal columnists Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, has an accompanying web site called "All Things Digital. Is it worth visiting? Well, I don't know about the written articles, because I don't read. But I watch video. Someone pointed out the "Digital Daily" video, in which some unnamed (and by that I mean I didn't check) guy delivers tech news and tries to be videoblogger Ze Frank. But he is not at all Ze Frank. (And trust me, through my videoblog Look Shiny, I've become an expert on trying and failing to be Ze.) And instead of simply cutting between stories, the editor stuck in a loud fanfare that BLASTS at you, leaving you dazed enough to keep watching the next item until the next BLAST. His latest episode is after the jump. Brace yourself.