
Is Ratfucking Journalism Dead?

Adam Weinstein · 07/08/14 02:20PM

James O'Keefe's latest video exposé is another selectively edited pooch-screw. A conservative kids' blog gets blasted for paying political operatives and snowing sources. A bowtied bro and his protegé, who's trying to do the Tea Party a solid, get played by Cuban spies. The right-wing gotcha industry is in disarray!

1-800-F1U-CKYO: The Birth of a Beautiful Conservative Meme

J.K. Trotter · 10/03/13 04:55PM

A beautiful thing happened on Thursday morning. The Drudge Report threw up a giant headline, “SIGN UP: 1-800-FUCKYO,” beneath a Photoshopped picture of Barack Obama holding the bell of a stethoscope. The headline linked to a Daily Caller item, published several hours prior, about Healthcare.gov’s toll-free hotline, which is 1-800-318-2596. These numbers, associate editor Katie McHugh wrote, correspond to 1-800-FUCKYO. Sort of.

Daily Caller Dubs Hopeful Indo-American Rapper 'Head Nigger in Charge'

Cord Jefferson · 05/30/13 04:33PM

An aspiring Chicago rapper calling himself "Rhymes Priebus"—get it? Like Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. Heh heh—got more media coverage than ever today when he drove around members of President Obama's press pool during a chauffeur gig he'd picked up. And with all that newfound fame came another first: The first time a conservative publication called him a slur on the internet.

Dominican Police Confirm Three Prostitutes Were Paid to Lie About Having Sex With U.S. Senator

Taylor Berman · 03/18/13 11:07PM

Two weeks ago, a report by the Washington Post shamed The Daily Caller by exposing their big story about New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and his (Daily Caller) reported fondness for underage Dominican prostitutes as a fraud. The initial Washington Post report cited one prostitute who recanted her testimony, claiming she'd been paid by a then unidentified lawyer to lie. The Daily Caller, amazingly, still stood by their story, saying the Post spoke to the wrong woman.

Senator Sex Scandal Escort Says She Was Paid to Lie

Max Read · 03/04/13 06:24PM

For months now, right-wing blog The Daily Caller has been pushing the salacious story of New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and his taste for underage Dominican prostitutes—based largely on a video interview with two young Dominican woman who said they'd been paid for sex with the senator. The story wasicked up by every right-wing blogger and pundit in creation—and connected with another, less sexy scandal involving Menendez and a major donor, Salomon Melgen—gaining enough momentum to be mentioned more than once (albeit hedged) in The New York Times.

Two Reasons the Drudge Report Video Might Still Be Worth Watching

Cord Jefferson · 10/02/12 07:41PM

Way back in 2007, conservative bloggers went wild over then-presidential candidate Barack Obama's so-called "quiet riots" speech at Hampton Unversity, a historically black college in Virginia. For all the right-wing consternation over Obama's address, which included a shout-out to controversial Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the future president's words were mostly benign, the kind of pro-black, inspirational speech black politicians give to large audiences of black people as a matter of course. Yes, the speech did contain a few uses of the term "quiet riot," but they were in reference to the daily indignities under which many blacks in America suffer, not calls to arms.

Daily Caller Discovers Jewish Summer Camp

Max Read · 07/19/12 10:17AM

Despite Richard Nixon's efforts to remove all Jews from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1971, President Obama is now attempting to nominate a known Jew to head the agency. And not just any Jew: Erica Groshen sent her children to "a politically left-wing Jewish summer camp with Communist roots." Will he succeed? Not if the Daily Caller's Matthew Boyle has anything to do with it.

The Daily Caller's Got a Hot Obama Scoop That Everyone Already Knows

Jim Newell · 11/29/11 05:45PM

The Tucker Carlson-helmed Daily Caller publication has an EXCLUSIVE story today that disrupts the very fabric of our political system and could even alter the trajectory of the cosmos for millions of years to come, killing us all retroactively, too, and so on! THE HEADLINE, PLEASE: "Exclusive: Obama in 2006: I ‘stole' book title ‘Audacity of Hope' from Rev. Wright, ‘my pastor.'" Has your face begun to melt yet, or are your eyes merely exploding?