
Homeland: The Roaring Return of Claire Danes

Richard Lawson · 10/03/11 11:40AM

Last night Showtime unveiled its newest series, a paranoid spy drama called Homeland, from some 24 writers. And what could have been a bit rah-rah is, in fact, strangely stirring.

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Damian Lewis

STV · 01/19/09 04:20PM

1/18 — While cruising the Santa Monica Farmer's Market for breakfast, spotted DAMIAN LEWIS. Haven't seen his latest series but recognized him from Band of Brothers. Cute, doting dad and seemed comfortable with the crowd. He was waiting to put one of his small children on the miniature pony rides (note to Farmer's Market organizers: Please move the ponies farther away from the Omelet Guy). He looked good, but shorter than expected (both the actor and pony). [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to tips@defamer.com.]