
Six Child Media Prodigies You Should Fear

Ryan Tate · 11/06/09 02:23PM

That 16-year-old TechCrunch writer with 120,000 Twitter followers, who we wrote about yesterday, is part of a burgeoning child punditocracy. Children are operating in virtually every facet media — and doing so successfully. Fear for your job.

Obama Cub Reporter to MSNBC's Michael Vick Shaming: 'Um, No.'

Foster Kamer · 08/22/09 01:30PM

Remember Damon Weaver? The young envy of D.C.'s press, who's now Barack Obama's homeboy, was interviewed by MSNBC. They learn that he'd rather be on CNN, and how he wants to interview Michael Vick. They then shame him! His response?

Child Is Envy of White House Press Corps

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/09 01:08PM

In your desperate Thursday media column: America's toddler journalist has a lesson for Wolf Blitzer, college football wants to muzzle bloggers, newspapers burn, and ESPN magazine is mad cheap!