
Escaped Prisoner Disguised as Old Man Caught in Chicago

Mallory Ortberg · 01/06/13 01:35PM

A bank robber who broke out of downtown Chicago's federal jail in an "old man" disguise has been recaptured. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, 38-year-old Kenneth Conley was arrested Friday while dressed as an elderly man wearing "sunglasses, a beret, an overcoat" and hobbling with "a cane."

How the Montauk Grifter Infiltrated the World of Hell's Kitchen

John Cook · 02/17/12 03:13PM

Mystery solved, sort of: It seems reasonably clear to me that Daniel Kaufman, a.k.a., Dan Kay, a.k.a. Dan Katze, a.k.a. the Busted Chef, a.k.a. the Montauk Grifter, never actually worked as a producer on Hell's Kitchen, as he repeatedly claimed to the people he conned. But he definitely managed to convince several of the show's former contestants that he worked there, which is some fairly acrobatic grifting.

It Looks Like the Montauk Grifter Conned Gordon Ramsay, Too

John Cook · 02/15/12 03:55PM

Yesterday, we brought you the tale of Daniel Kaufman, a.k.a. Dan Kay, a.k.a. Dan Katze, the preternaturally prolific conman who told his victims, among many other things, that he was a world-class chef and a producer on Hell's Kitchen and Chopped—even though he can't cook. Since then, we've learned that he probably did manage to grift his way onto Hell's Kitchen. Also: We've gotten tons of emails from people who have crossed Dan's path, which we've published below.

The Montauk Grifter: How One Con Man Used OkCupid for Fun, Fraud, and Profit

John Cook · 02/14/12 03:55PM

He is Dan Kaufman, Dan Kay, Dan Katze. He is a celebrity chef, an internet entrepreneur, a television producer. He has worked for Apple, Google, AOL, the Rainbow Room. He hangs out with Steve Case, Gordon Ramsey, Tim Armstrong. He's a world-class surfer, a AAA baseball legend, the founder of a seminal punk band. He's one of the more persistent and obsessive grifters to ply the streets of New York City—not to mention online dating sites—in recent decades.

Rumer Willis Latches Onto Potato Sack Dress Fad

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/08/08 05:55PM

Never one miss out on a trend, Rumer Willis became the latest celebrity to don an amorphous potato sack dress while out shopping in New York City. The House Bunny star felt the shapeless outfit leaves a lot to imagination while still being fashionable and wearable. Willis said, "So many guys are just dying to look down your shirt and this outfit prevents them. You can't get this milk for free. Oh no. Dinner at Dan Tana's, then it'll become a maybe."

Is CAA Banned From Fox After Agent's Angry C-Word Outburst?

STV · 05/27/08 11:25AM

Some guys really know how to turn on the charm. Take CAA agent Dan Aloni for example, who reps directors Christopher Nolan, Michel Gondry and Tom Shadyac (among others) and who we hear recently talked his way right off the Fox lot after a tiff with Fox Atomic production boss Debbie Liebling. It seems everything was going just fine until Aloni bellowed something about Liebling being "a stupid fucking cunt" — which was enough for Peter Chernin himself to reportedly ban all of CAA from the lot until the Death Star gets its loose cannon in line. But we also hear that might take a while. Why?