Hot New Dance Craze: Slamming Your Butt Into Someone's Face
Maureen O'Connor · 06/06/10 06:13PMChicago Brings Out the Crazy on SYTYCD
Kristina Lucarelli · 06/03/10 09:26AMPlus-sized SYTYCD Hopeful Blows Minds and Moves Judges to Tears with Amazing Audition
Kristina Lucarelli · 05/27/10 10:23PMThe standard on So You Think You Can Dance is skinny ballerinas, smoldering salsa dancers, and buff b-boys. But screw that. This chubby contemporary dancer brought it with her audition and blew everyone away. Video of her incredible performance inside.
Dancing Soldiers on YouTube: A Civilian's Guide to the Brave New Meme
Maureen O'Connor · 05/01/10 12:21PMABDC: Hail the Conquering B-Boys
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/09/10 01:51PMABDC crowned its champion last night, but not before dragging out the inevitable announcement for as long as possible with finale filler performances, pyrotechnics, and the requisite lengthy anticipatory silences.
Groove Is in el Corázon
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/01/10 10:45AMAt a funk fiesta, two hombres strut their stuff on the dance floor, kicking and sliding in total concentration. Showing off their fly moves while trying to top each other's insanity, they become lost in the dance trance. ¡Bailamos!
Raquel Welch: Hottest Dancing Alien Ever
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 03/23/10 10:45AMThe Al Bundy Booty Shakin' Mega Dance Mix
Mike Byhoff · 03/19/10 08:51AMPredator 2's Dance Party of Death
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/16/10 11:45AMIn a deleted segment originally intended for the end credits of Predator 2, several of the actors playing the titular monster don their dreadlocks and body armor for a dance circle. Danny Glover joins, bridging the interspecies gap with funk.
Rappin' Monk Expands Artistic Repertoire
Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/10 12:18PMThe Stephanie Tanner Dance Video: Moves Before Meth
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 01/28/10 11:45AMThe 80's Best After School Special Dance Fight
Kirk · 01/06/10 11:06AMMan Secretly Taped At Bus Stop Over 15 Months Dancing Like Michael Jackson
Richard Blakeley · 11/03/09 02:15PMVideo proof that nobody cares if you can dance, just dance.
Teenager To Be Suspended For Taking Girlfriend To Prom, Dancing, and Embracing Satan
Foster Kamer · 05/10/09 04:24PMUniversity of Minnesota Dance Program Devastatingly Exposed as 'Privileged'
Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/09 04:04PMCops, Panda Hipsters Battle in Williamsburg Streets
ian spiegelman · 08/17/08 11:33AM
Last night, a mob of dangerously dancing hipsters armed with boom boxes and dressed as terrifying pandas marched from Union Square to Williamsburg, where the NYPD met them in force. Apparently, dancing and loud music on a hot August evening can lead to any end of mischief, so our boys and girls in blue twisted arms, threw people down, and destroyed at least one portable stereo.
Village Voice's Dance Critic Out After Four Decades
Nick Denton · 03/26/08 10:59AM
I suppose that was kind of the Village Voice at least to allow Deborah Jowitt to celebrate her fortieth anniversary as dance critic. Because the storied New York alt weekly, now owned by cost-cutting conglomerate, New Times, has laid her off. We were forwarded this email: "Motherfucking assholes just fired three more people — one a dance critic who's been here since 1968." The Village Voice says she's been asked to continue writing but, because of "budgetary constraints", as a freelancer. (Nathan Lee, the film critic, also lost his staff job.) That's fair enough: alt weeklies everywhere have been decimated by the exodus of classified advertising to the web; dance is increasingly irrelevant, culturally; and Jowitt had a good run. But the Village Voice's owners should slash costs once, and thoroughly, rather than allow the newspaper to suffer this debilitating torture of a thousand cuts.
Dance Off
Richard Lawson · 02/25/08 11:40AMNew Yorker dance critic Joan Acocella is allll hot 'n bothered over Paul Taylor dance company star Michael Trusnovec. "Every one of Trusnovec's muscles is worked, while every cell in his brain seems to be pulsing with the music," she marvels. The entirety of the little Critic's Notebook piece is very lusty and makes me want to meet her. She also manages to throw in a little subliminal message about her "large rack." [New Yorker]
Dance Macabre
Richard Lawson · 01/31/08 11:40AMA top British dance troupe will premiere their newest piece, Meltdown, about Britney Spears' tragic fall from grace, in London tomorrow evening. Richard Thomas, composer of the recent Jerry Springer opera, also wrote the music for this show. Thomas seems to be quite the critic; showing the world, with melancholy and a slight whiff of pity, what a sad bunch of fuck-ups we across the pond really turned out to be. [AFP]