mark · 10/23/07 03:19PM

Our friends at Valleywag have made a potentially troubling discovery: Wes Anderson's The Darjeeling Limited "prequel" Hotel Chevalier, in which Natalie Portman famously bares the naked form she's so selfishly withheld even when toiling in arty, nonexplotatitve stripper roles, seems to have disappeared from iTunes. We know you've probably already long finished with it, but its disappeareance still must be vaguely saddening. [Valleywag]
Wes Anderson Still Tired Of Answering The Owen Wilson Question
mark · 10/22/07 01:10PM
On yesterday's edition of AMC's Shootout, chat-happy Hollywood Peters Bart and Guber invited director Wes Anderson to talk about The Darjeeling Limited, inevitably touching on Anderson's understandable reticence at having to address the Owen Wilson Situation each time he fulfills his promotional obligations for the film. (The media, it seems, have an annoying habit of comparing the real-life Wilson to the troubled, possibly suicidal character he portrays in the movie.)