Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/16 10:20AM
Is David Brooks Giving Up on Humility?
Brendan O'Connor · 12/17/15 09:40PM
The Global Affairs class New York Times columnist David Brooks has taught at Yale three times in the past three years, “Humility,” will not be offered again next semester, Gawker has learned. In its first iteration, in Spring 2013, the reading list for “Humility” included some of Brooks’ own columns.
Neutral Observer David Brooks Has Noticed Hillary Is a Soviet Dictator
Tom Scocca · 07/14/15 01:54PM
David Brooks—a Yale instructor and New York Times columnist who can be found at the Aspen Ideas Festival—prefers to package himself as a reasonable thinker, but he has always been, to one degree or another, depending on the season, a dumb partisan hack. So now that he has finished enough philosophizing about the good life to fill a new book (and allusively air out his squalid midlife crisis), and now that there’s an election looming, it’s time to get back to partisan hackwork.
It Is Shocking That David Brooks Stays Employed as a Writer Somehow
Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/15 09:38AMIdeas: Worth It? Every Idea I Heard at the Atlantic Ideas Festival
Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/15 10:32AMWhat Is This David Brooks Column About?
Adam Weinstein · 03/04/15 06:20PM
We are people, and people have lives. Lives involve losses. Losses of friends, of loved ones, of children, of parents. Everybody everywhere feels something about some loss sometime in this interconnected age; maybe even you feel things. Maybe then, also, you can explain what the hell David Brooks is on about in this column.
David Brooks Loves Cops
Leah Finnegan · 12/09/14 07:05PM
David Brooks, a man with a national newspaper platform upon which he can reflect and analyze events for potentially millions of readers, is using that rich platform to ruminate on the recent grand jury non-indictments in the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, innocent men who were killed for no reason by police officers.
David Brooks Knows Some Guys
Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/14 09:57AMWould-Be Divorcé David Brooks Bought a $1.9 Million Home With His Wife
J.K. Trotter · 11/06/14 02:13PM
Nearly a year ago, the Washington Post reported the impending divorce of David Brooks and his wife of 27 years, Sarah. But the couple never filed any divorce papers, or moved out of the District of Columbia. And, interestingly enough, they just bought a $1.9 million home in D.C.’s Cleveland Park neighborhood.
David Brooks’ Son Is a Gigantic Bro
J.K. Trotter · 10/09/14 10:42AM
New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan caused a medium-sized stir on Wednesday after she scolded conservative op-ed columnist and believer in friendship David Brooks for not disclosing that his college-aged son had enlisted as a “lone soldier” in the Israeli army. On Brooks’ side, John Podhoretz, the son of former Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz, tweeted: “Everybody who thinks David Brooks has to ‘reveal’ his son, who’s 23, has joined the Israeli army can go fuck himself.”
David Brooks Columns In One Sentence or Less
Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/14 12:14PMMax Read · 09/25/14 09:34AM
David Brooks May Not Have Gotten Divorced After All
J.K. Trotter · 04/02/14 03:00PM
Back in November, the Washington Post reported that New York Times columnist David Brooks and his wife of 27 years, Sarah, were divorcing. The unsourced item, under the collective byline of the “Reliable Source” gossip column, rattled a certain portion of the Acela corridor: Here was a leading conservative pundit, a father of three who has blamed single mothers for the country’s “fraying social fabric,” dismantling his own marriage.
When Should You Care What David Brooks Thinks?
Tom Scocca · 02/07/14 04:44PM
Let's say your job is to make fun of David Brooks. Not your whole job, God forbid. Part of it, though. People expect you to make fun of David Brooks, and they ask you to do it, and you have been doing it for years, because the smugness and wrongness of David Brooks has seemed like an inexhaustible resource.
Why Won't Mean Poor People Let the Rich Come Down and Join Them?
Tom Scocca · 01/31/14 05:10PMDavid Brooks Says Real Inequality Is That Poor People Are Worthless
Tom Scocca · 01/17/14 01:45PM
Self-loathing New York Times thought-leader David Brooks has an admonition for everyone today: You do not understand this "income inequality" you are all talking about. People assume that just because the very richest people have ever more money, and the much greater numbers of poor people have less money, this constitutes a systemic problem: