What I Learned From David Carr
John Cook · 02/13/15 01:05PMDavid Carr, Your Best Friend
Hamilton Nolan · 02/13/15 10:44AMDavid Carr, New York Times Columnist, Dead at 58
Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/12/15 10:17PMHow The New York Times Eats Its Own
J.K. Trotter · 05/21/14 09:40AMThe New York Times' Media Columnist Sits in a Bloomberg Chair
John Cook · 12/10/13 05:29PM
New York Times media columnist David Carr has a lot of friends. I'm one of them. I would generally agree that, as the Wire put it this morning, he is "well-loved and respected," and that his column is often "one of the most thoughtful and critical perspectives into journalism." Likewise with the Boston Globe's assessment that he is a "star." These encomia were delivered on the occasion of Carr's ascent to an endowed chair at Boston University's College of Communication, from which chair he will continue to cover the media beat in his weekly Times column. That chair is endowed to the tune of $1.66 million by the chairman of a media company that Carr purports to cover. There's probably a column in that.
Who's Left at the New York Times?
Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/13 02:54PMNYT Reporter David Carr's Brother Arrested, Jailed For Scalping
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/23/13 10:39AM
New York Times media reporter and Lena Dunham BFF David Carr's brother, Joe, was arrested in DC earlier this month for scalping tickets to a Nationals game. Then, scooping the story from the Times, Joe Carr wrote an op-ed about it for the Washington Post. The best part is, it may or may not be Taylor Swift's fault.
How David Carr Became the Daddy of Girls
John Koblin · 03/18/13 10:04AM
Three years ago, New York Times media reporter and occult career-bender David Carr was taking a tour through South by Southwest and asked the festival's film person what movie he should see. She tipped him off to a movie called Tiny Furniture and he fell in love. He gave the movie and its creator/star, a 23-year-old woman named Lena Dunham, 1,000 words in the Times.
NYT Twitter Ace Pulls Another Weiner
Adrian Chen · 12/29/11 01:10PMTwilight of the Media Critics
Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/11 11:47AM
Yesterday, the already-shrunken world of media reporting lost its two grandest figures: Jim Romenesko, the quiet man who singlehandedly set the agenda, like a front page editor for all media news (semi-retiring, by choice); and Slate's Jack Shafer—America's most consistently fearless press critic (laid off). Step back. Look around at the smoldering carnage of the media critic landscape. Who's left to carry the "harassing one's own industry colleagues" torch? A brief look, below.
In Defense of Shit Talking
Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/11 01:44PMNYT Media Reporter Is Dating CNBC Anchor
Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/11 02:00PMMichael Wolff's Analysis of NYT: They're Ugly
Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/11 02:18PMTina Brown Gives Exact Date That She Will Be Wrong
Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/11 01:57PMPage One: Can This New York Times Be Saved?
Richard Lawson · 05/04/11 09:46AMHere's a trailer for Page One, a documentary by Andrew Rossi, who spent a year following the New York Times media desk and, in a bigger sense, chronicling the struggles of a newspaper in an internet age.