
David Carr Was A 'Fulminating Crackhead'

Nick Denton · 05/09/08 08:38AM

David Carr is a charming and competent media reporter, commuting to the New York Times from bourgeois Montclair where he lives with wife Jill and three children. But once he was in his own words a fulminating crackhead. Here's a sample from his forthcoming addiction memoir, obtained by Daily Intel: "Both of us were chronically, psychotically high, and I was spending all of my time lifting the blinds and peeking out at a world that I was increasingly scared to venture into."

Massacred Film Critics Have a Friend in Scott Rudin

STV · 04/01/08 01:35PM

The film-critic deathwatch we launched here way back in January (and continued yesterday) hit The New York Times this morning, when part-time Oscar gadfly and inveterate media observer David Carr surveyed the carnage from the sidelines. It's not a story we haven't been hearing for years, but Carr's essential access to insiders from Scott Rudin to Michael Lacey — the bloodthirsty boss of the New Times chain currently decimating New York's Village Voice — hints that conventional wisdom among film and publishing types won't be reconciled any time soon:

Paul Thomas Anderson: Crazy Asshole, Apparently Liked Juno

Richard Lawson · 02/22/08 05:35PM

Paul Thomas Anderson, the auteur behind There Will Be Blood, recently had some angry words for Carpetbagger and delightful character David Carr. Anderson, who "can be a real arrogant brat", evidently flipped out on Carr when he overheard Carr saying that Blood wasn't his absolute, super-ist favorite movie of the year. "You know you don't know a fucking thing about movies!" he shrieked at "the Bagger", and added, cryptically, "[Blood is] the best movie of the year. Except for maybe Juno. And Clayton. And Atonement. Other than that, it was the best movie of the year." Well, I guess that's rather diplomatic of him. Though he's still an asshole: "You really think No Country for Old Men...that movie was better than ours? C'mon, do you really believe that?" Yup. A glorious, gifted asshole. Maybe he could take some lessons from Carr, who used to be quite the hard partier, on calming down and being cool. We think Carr's pretty good at it. [Hollywood Elsewhere] After the jump, video of the Carpetbagger kicking off the awards season.

David Carr

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:38PM

David Carr is a former crack addict-turned-media columnist and culture reporter at the New York Times. He is the host of the well-received 2011 documentary Page One: Inside the New York Times.

Jason Binn And Keith Kelly Found In Bed Together

Joshua Stein · 10/31/07 03:55PM

Every year at the American Magazine Conference, Jason Binn, the chief of Niche Media, hosts a dinner party for those who he deems "important." And every year the AMC planners try to stop him because, well, it's a dumb idea. This year Jason Binn and New York Times star David Carr invited a select group for a night of club hopping. It was all harmless fun until they ended up at a club B.E.D.

Tony Snow And Waverly Inn Chef Will Explain Magazines

Joshua Stein · 10/19/07 01:10PM

Former White House spokesbot Tony Snow will be the keynote speaker at the American Magazine Conference in Boca Raton, Florida at the end of the month. Men's Health editor David Zinczenko, the AMC 2007 chairman, is super jazzed about it. But should he be? Former keynote speakers included former President Bill Clinton, former future presidents Barack Obama and John McCain. Tony Snow was a regular guest host for the Rush Limbaugh Show and frontman for the band "Beats Workin'." He did, as Zinczenko made sure to mention, survive the cancer that God so unjustly gave him. Who else is speaking in Boca, and why?

abalk · 09/10/07 03:20PM

Unless Apple and Treo get their respective acts together, David Carr and Joe Nocera are going to go elsewhere for their MP3 player/smartphone needs. And then write about it. [NYT]

Choire · 08/29/07 04:30PM

From the mailbag: "You may or may not care to know that [New York Times reporter] David Carr was the guest speaker at NYU's J-school orientation today. He was charming in an old-guy-who-references-Clap-Your-Hands-Say-Yeah sort of way and delivered an optimistic spiel about sticking it to the old guard and shaping the future of media. Needless to say, the kids ate it up. As for me, I began to rethink grad school entirely. I thought I was here so that I could eventually get paid a ridiculous sum to write mindless blurbs for Conde Nast mags. Everyone else was so damn earnest. What the hell? For a moment I wondered if maybe my priorities weren't in order, but then I squashed it and started to think about which one of my classmates I'm going to sleep with this semester." Maybe the kids are alright!

Where To Find Your Favorite 'Times' Journalists In The New Building

Doree Shafrir · 07/03/07 11:20AM

Now that every department at the New York Times has moved into the new building, you're probably wondering where everyone has gone! So let's go floor-by-floor, shall we? And as we work our way up, we'll see who really matters in the Times organization.

abalk · 07/02/07 08:27AM

David Carr worries that the Internets may ruin the rural tranquility of the tiny town that houses his family cabin. [NYT]

abalk · 06/25/07 08:55AM

"As wealth becomes more fungible and oddly democratized, someone has to keep score, and to that end, [Jason] Binn and his partners stand ready to chronicle fabulousness at every fund-raiser, award show and seasonal fete." [NYT]

abalk · 06/15/07 07:56AM

The David Carr-Kurt Andersen Mutual Admiration Society survives competition for minor awards amongst its members. [WWD]

David Carr On Tomorrow's Correction Today

Doree Shafrir · 05/21/07 04:55PM

Those who caught the early edition of David Carr's Times column today probably noticed a new bit of reporting on the Page Six incident. Page Six had said that Ian Spiegelman's allegation that Page Six editor Richard Johnson had accepted $3,000 in bribes from restaurateur Nello Balan was incorrect, because Johnson had actually only accepted $1,000. In the article that ran in today's paper, Carr had originally reported that the other $2,000—intended for Page Six staffers Jeane Macintosh and Sean Gannon (now the Business editor)—had gone to pay for staff drinks. But that allegation was missing in the late editions of the paper, and is no longer online. So what's the deal?

Jared Paul Stern Sexes Up Murdoch-Dow Jones Story

abalk2 · 05/21/07 10:40AM

With little of note happening in what Times business columnist Joe Nocera referred to on Saturday as the "Mr. Murdoch Lusts After Dow Jones" story, the papers are forced to manufacture another angle from which to analyze the bid: Specifically, how will Friday's Page Six Payola revelations affect Murdoch's chances of wooing the Bancrofts? On the heels of a 1,300 word front-pager in Saturday's Times recounting the scandal—for which the paper was forced to reel back in former gossip-boy and current theater reporter Campbell Robertson—comes today's David Carr follow-exegesis. Carr believes that the decision to run the allegations in the Post itself can be traced to Post editor (and alleged stripper-sex receiver) Col Allan's unwillingness to get scooped by the News. Uberflack Howard Rubenstein also says that the Post wanted to get their spin on the story before anyone else did. Carr's column ends with a thought exercise!