
Reorg at Google gives old-media exec a boost

Owen Thomas · 11/12/08 12:40PM

Google hasn't been prone to sweeping, top-down reorganizations; instead, its practice has been to expand divisions organically, and split groups up when they become unwieldy. But we hear that Google's going through a reorg now. Details are scant, but David Eun, Google's vice president for content partnerships, is getting a promotion. Eun, atypically for a Google executive, has a long resume in old media, having worked at NBC and Time Warner before joining the search engine. We'll update as we hear more; your tips are as ever welcome.

Google "going all the way to the Supreme Court" against Viacom

Nicholas Carlson · 05/07/08 10:40AM

Do Google lawyers plan to settle with Viacom over its $1 billion copyright infringement suit against Google and it's video-sharing site YouTube? "Nope," says grandiloquent dealmaker David Eun, VP of content partnerships at Google. "We're going all the way to the Supreme Court," Eun said. "We're very clear about it." With brass-balled talk like that, you'd think Eun hasn't seen Viacom's thinly-veiled threats of violence against YouTube. (Photo by James Gordon)