
Coworkers Bail on Prof Who Will Only Teach "Serious Heterosexual Guys"

Cord Jefferson · 09/26/13 04:49PM

Yesterday we showed you David Gilmour, the University of Toronto English professor who told a female reporter that he is "not interested in teaching books by women." "What I teach is guys," Gilmour continued. "Serious heterosexual guys." Gilmour probably thought he sounded very serious and heterosexual while making this bold declaration—a real Ruff Ryder. Unfortunately, his colleagues and students are now calling him a buffoon.

Cord Jefferson · 09/25/13 07:34PM

The college professor who said in a recent interview that he is "not interested in teaching books by women" has a perfect explanation: "I was having a conversation, in French, with a colleague while this young woman was doing this interview. So these were very much tossed-off remarks."