
Vicious Attack Ad Targets Karl Rove's Book

Ryan Tate · 03/16/10 08:21PM

The authors of the business book Rework noticed Karl Rove was standing between them and the number one bestseller slot on Amazon.com. So they created this awesomely fun takedown of the Republican strategist's Courage and Consequence. It's positively Rovian.

Jason Fried, Web god

Owen Thomas · 03/08/08 04:58PM

A thousand people — 1 out of 8 attendees at the SXSW Interactive conference — have packed the room for programmer Jason Fried's talk. "He's like our Barack," a friend tells me. Instead of hope of change in politics, Fried, a cofounder of 37signals, offers hope of change in ... Web-based software? And for this, he's treated "like a demigod," as Seth Godin says in a recent Wired profile of Fried and his partner, David Heinemeier Hansson, right. (Photo by Jessica Wynne/Wired)