
As the 'Sun' Turns: David, Mohammed, and Ira

Jesse · 02/16/06 04:01PM

Last we checked in on The New York Sun — New York's little rightwing paper that could, the offices of which, we're reliably informed, were placed under the protective gaze of the NYPD after the paper published one of the Danish Mohammed cartoons two weeks ago — cultural editor David Propson had submitted his resignation after editor and founder Seth Lipsky fired one of Propson's critics out from under him, and Propson was taking some time away from the office to decide whether his resignation was really for real. Because we're always fond of a good denouement, we're now pleased to report that Propson finally decided to exit the fledgling daily and had his last day there on Monday. (Why his name remains on the paper's masthead — we checked one of the unclaimed copies delivered to our building's mailroom each day — is anyone's guess.)