
Gizmodo, Ars Technica party all night

Photos by Randal Alan Smith · 01/15/08 07:01PM

Poor Ars Technica and Gizmodo. The gadget sites invited San Francisco's thirsty class over for some pre-Macworld booze at Harlot in SoMa last night, and the assembled crowd drank the hosted bar dry in 35 minutes flat. I ran into a host of familiar faces there, including a certain Farker who goes by the unforgettable login of "catbutt." So unforgettable that I called him ... well, something else instead. And no, I'm not throwing David Ulevitch the shocker — just a gesture that looks a lot like it. Fake Steve Jobs blogger Dan Lyons, making his Macworld debut, drew a tight bubble of fans around him everywhere he went.

Lotus Vodka offers release from the tech scene

Megan McCarthy · 08/24/07 06:45PM

A tip for those of you trying to mingle with successful entrepreneurs and VCs: Attend more than just the standard tech meet-and-greets. The people who are really in a position to help you with your startup never go to them anyway. So where to go instead? Check out events like last night's Lotus Vodka release party at SoMa's Euro-inspired restaurant Supperclub. You'll find founders and the moneymen behind them willing to chat and unable to prejudge you based on your nametag. Refreshing. Bonus: The nontech people who attend these things make for a far better-looking crowd. Far better-looking. The full report, and a gallery of photos, follows.

Pownce founders party in pot-laden pleasure palace

Megan McCarthy · 07/16/07 01:38PM

MEGAN MCCARTHY — "Pownce is the new pink," declared Valleywag's capricious new editor Owen Thomas in assigning me to go cover a party thrown by Leah Culver and Kevin Rose, cofounders of Digg. The new pink? More like the new pot. The microblogging site, which people use to send around URLs, MP3s, and updates on their lives, is just as coveted — invitations are still up for sale on eBay — and seems to leave its users just as unproductive. So what better place to hold a party than a pink castle of a house in the Castro owned by Dennis Peron, one of the heads of California's medical marijuana movement? A list of Internet-glamorous attendees, a crime scene, and a photo gallery, after the jump.

The domainers' worst enemy

Owen Thomas · 07/09/07 11:21AM

Trust the Gray Lady to suck the drama — and the sense — out of a tech story. The New York Times profiles David Ulevitch of OpenDNS, an entrepreneur who's trying to make the Internet's domain-name system work better and faster. That means, of course, killing off the practice of "typo-squatting." Since the Times couldn't manage a decent explanation of this conflict, we'll oblige.Typo-squatting is a particulary unsavory side of the domain-name business. Clumsy Web users mistype website addresses all the time. Domainers, those wily entrepreneurs who register domain names in the hopes of making a profit, register common misspellings like "google.cm," and throw ads up on those websites, making a cheap and fast buck. (Business 2.0 recently profiled Kevin Ham, a domainer who's built a $300 million business on typo-squatting and other domain-name maneuvers.)