
Dazed and Confused in 120 Seconds

Ajay Mehta · 01/28/11 10:45AM

Everyone loves cult high school film Dazed and Confused. Luckily, some Fresh Prince of Bel Air-sounding guy has written a speedy rap summarizing the movie. Listen, and relive your memories.

A Thousand Stoned Stars Align For Pot Cinema's Finest Hour

STV · 07/30/08 07:00PM

Seth Rogen's recent mellow-harshing bust notwithstanding, there has arguably never been a better time to be a pot aficionado in the movies. Or at the movies. Or returning to the movies — or to the road, anyway, as evinced by new reports of Cheech and Chong's cannabis comeback. Basically anyone who can approximate stoner bliss is ready for prime time these days, from the principals of Harold and Kumar to Pineapple Express to Smiley Face (to say nothing of Hall of Famers The Big Lebowski and Up in Smoke), notes a pot-film scholar who miraculously focused long enough to taxonomize and rate them: