
Our Favorite TV of 2010

Richard Lawson & Brian Moylan · 12/27/10 02:30PM

If you're anything like us, you watch a lot of television, and if you're anything like us you have serious opinions about the things you've watched on TV. Here are the ones we loved (and a couple we hated).

Angelina Jolie Thinks Your Thanksgiving Celebration Is Disgusting

Brian Moylan · 11/25/10 11:14AM

Angelina Jolie does not enjoy our colonial holiday. Lindsay Lohan is spending Thanksgiving with a bad influence. Cameron Diaz and A-Rod are back on. Billy Joel is recovering. Wesley Snipes is appealing. Thursday's gossip is making pies with its mother.

Capt. Phil Harris Suffers Stroke on Deadliest Catch

John Siegel · 06/23/10 11:43AM

Last night, Deadliest Catch began airing episodes about the death of Capt. Phil Harris. In this clip, the final part of the episode, the crew discovers Phil after his stroke and paramedics transport him from the ship. Pretty heartbreaking stuff.

Deadliest Catch Employee Trapped in Giant Drug Sting

Brian Moylan · 05/07/10 10:49AM

Matthew Schneider, a 22-year-old production manager who worked on the show, is one of many charged in a drug bust in Alaskan fishing center Unalaska. He is still on the run, and he's implicated other show employees of drug running.

Deadliest Catch Ship Rescues Crew of Capsized Boat

Zach Mack · 04/14/10 09:41AM

The sixth season of Deadliest Catch kicked off tonight with calm seas and easy sailing. Strangely enough, a cod boat still managed to capsize in the unseasonably calm weather and all boats nearby were called in for rescue. Heroic video inside.

The Russian Jersey Shore Rip Off Is a Stupid Idea

Brian Moylan · 03/01/10 12:52PM

Since it was the most important sociological event of our time (and a ratings success) there will inevitably be dozens of new reality shows trying to rip it off. Just stop now. These are always horrible ideas.

Deadliest Catch Caught a Death on Tape

Brian Moylan · 02/17/10 01:25PM

A producer for Discovery's morbid crab fishing show tells Entertainment Weekly that the captain came out of a coma and ordered the crew to keep filming him on his death bed. But is this really what Phil Harris wanted?

The Decade Reality Evolved into a Beautiful Beast

Brian Moylan · 12/16/09 03:20PM

Sure, reality TV has been around longer, but starting in 2000, it really hit the big time. Everyone professes to hate it, but this cheap, tawdry programming has become an easy staple, and it's changing every minute.

Oh, No ... It’s You Guys Again

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/12/08 11:35AM

Click to It must’ve been a case of déjà vu for actor Jonah Hill as a photographer sneaked up on him again while jogging in Hollywood. However, this time around, the photographer did not tempt Hill with cupcakes or other delicious treats. Instead, the photographer was more interested in Hill’s beard and simply asked, “What’s the deal with the beard, dude?” Hill explained that he was growing the beard because he’s going to do a guest spot on Deadliest Catch as well as to make a stab at credibility. Hill said, “Philip Seymour Hoffman has a really nice beard growing there. He’s pretty well respected. Maybe, if I had one of those things, I’d be able to do more dramatic work. Something intense or maybe a part as Nick Nolte’s crazy long lost son.” [Photo Credit: Splash Pics] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Philip Seymour Hoffman Finally Washes Ashore

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/08/08 06:55PM

Deadliest Catch star Philip Seymour Hoffman just returned to solid land after being out to sea for a few months catching crabs. Hoffman arrived just in time to partake in the Toronto Film Festival and was looking forward to watching some movies. Hoffman said, "As long as it doesn't involve fish, fishing or the ocean, I'll watch it. I'll even watch that new Nicolas Cage movie."