
cityfile · 12/22/09 07:02PM

• Christian Delouvrier, the French chef who earned four stars at Lespinasse and later put in time at Alain Ducasse and David Bouley's Secession, is now behind the stove at the more modest La Mangeoire on 53rd and Second Ave. [NYT]
• Ravi DeRossi of Death & Co. and, more recently, Mayahuel, will open a Cuban sandwich shop next month and a rum lounge the month after that. [GS]
• Scarpetta could be opening a Las Vegas outpost in the near future. [P6]
Giuseppe Cipriani was hit with another lawsuit today, this time for allegedly underpaying his workers; a Cipriani rep says it's "categorically untrue." [NYT]
• The Box's Simon Hammerstein is taking his shtick to Moscow for NYE. [P6]
• A few more local NYE options, if you're looking for that sort of thing. [Zagat]
• Lists: Bon Appétit rounds up the 10 best budget dishes of 2009. [BA]
• The color of your liquor determines your hangover, apparently. [NYDN]
• Bruce Willis is the latest celebrity to own a piece of a vodka company. [WSJ]

cityfile · 11/19/09 07:13PM

• Dean Poll has a new name for Tavern on the Green if the city loses its legal battle with the LeRoy family: He'll rename it Tavern in the Park instead. [CNY]
• New: Pichet Ong's dessert place in the EV is open; Bobby Flay's second Bar Americain has debuted in Connecticut; and Death & Co. has a new menu.
• The East Side Social Club opens at Midtown's Pod Hotel next week. [GS]
Michael Bloomberg celebrated his electoral win with a trip to Paris last weekend and a fancy meal at a fancy restaurant by the Seine. [NYT]
• LaGuardia airport hosted a pizza-eating contest today for some reason. [BB]
• The producers of Top Chef are at work on a new food show for NBC. The winner of the competition gets to open a restaurant chain. [THR]

A New Shake Shack, The Opening of Aspen Social Club

cityfile · 10/17/08 01:47PM

♦ Aspen Social Club opens in Vikram Chatwal's Stay Hotel on Oct. 28th. [Eater]
♦ The UWS Shake Shack officially opens on Monday. [GS]
Sasha Petraske says he's turning Milk & Honey into a private club because too many bloggers were giving out the unlisted number. [Eater]
♦ The East Village's Sunburnt Cow is marking its fifth anniversary this weekend by "spit-roasting an entire cow in a trailer outside the restaurant." [Zagat]

The Death of Bottle Service, Bizarre Foods

cityfile · 09/16/08 12:55PM

♦ Does the financial meltdown mean the end of bottle service in New York? [DBTH, Gawker, GNML]
♦ A new study shows that Food Network hosts are pretty lousy at following food safety guidelines; Paula Deen, FYI, is the worst. [Super Chef via Eater]
♦ Death & Co.'s David Kaplan has gone to court to stop his building's landlord from evicting the bar over noise violations. [NYO]
Anthony Bourdain enjoys eating "bootleg foods" like "illegal cheese." [Gothamist]
Bizarre Foods host Andrew Zimmern eats rancid cheese and fermented animal parts for a living and yet says he's never gotten sick on the job. [amNY]
♦ A new food magazine called Swallow is launching next month. [GS]
♦ Trader Joe's is opening its first Brooklyn outpost next Friday. [BP]

Wanna Meet Kirsten Dunst?

cityfile · 08/13/08 07:02AM

"Dunst frequents East Village mixology bar Death and Co., the Lit Lounge, and Bowery Electric, where Catherine Pierce of the girl group the Pierces spins on Monday nights; in May, Ms. Dunst celebrated her 26th birthday there. But most of the time, Ms. Dunst can be found at the Beatrice Inn, perched on the counter behind the DJ booth, smoking cigarettes and bopping her head around to her boyfriend's tunes." [NYO]