
abalk · 09/14/07 03:17PM

Kurt Eichenwald antagonist Debbie Nathan writes that the former New York Times reporter "not only gave money to a child pornographer, but did business with him and even signed on to an illegal porn website as a member and administrator, documents unsealed yesterday in a federal criminal proceeding in Nashville reveal. He claims in one court document, he only 'posed' as a pedophile." Three predictions: Things are going to get a lot worse for Kurt Eichenwald. Debbie Nathan is going to get sued. We are still going to feel icky about this whole thing. [Counterpunch]

Why No One Wants To Write About Kurt Eichenwald

Choire · 08/08/07 12:10PM

Today the New York Times picks up on a story about their former reporter Kurt Eichenwald, one that's been drifting around the internets for a week or so. It began with a piece on Counterpunch by Debbie Nathan. Here's the Times's hedging-some-bets opening: "A former New York Times reporter who wrote an article in late 2005 about a teenager who operated a pornographic Web site may have sent more money to the young man than he had previously acknowledged, according to people familiar with sealed documents filed with a court in Tennessee."

Debbie Nathan Rewrites Kurt Eichenwald

Choire · 04/12/07 02:05PM

Today at Counterpunch (subscription only, hence the handy partial guide that follows), reporter Debbie Nathan retells the Justin Berry narrative. It's another version of the story of the teen hustler turned adult pornographer turned government witness that Kurt Eichenwald told in the New York Times in December, 2005—a retelling she undertook as his was constituted from what she calls "deficient reporting." This will undoubtedly incite Eichenwald into some lawyerly frenzy.

Eichenwald Defamation Suit: It Is On

Choire · 03/12/07 05:03PM

While no one had heard a peep yet today about former Times reporter Kurt Eichenwald's threatened $10-million defamation suit against reporter Debbie Nathan, including, as of this afternoon, Ms. Nathan's attorney, we hear it is so ready to go. The complaint will be filed in Dallas, in either the state or federal court. Debbie Nathan is being advised by the deep-voiced Victor Kovner (right), who's represented Village Voice Media and Wenner Media; he's also offered her advice regarding Eichenwald in their previous tanglings, though he may not represent her in the action. Eichenwald is being represented by Tim Perkins, of Underwood, Perkins & Ralston, which is not in New York and therefore we know nothing about it.