
Michael Phelps' Mom Has Her Own Frumpy Endorsement Deal

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/08 08:45AM

Is America ready for fashion endorsements from regular people? To clarify, "regular" means "A person who is famous in some way, but not pretty." It's a heartwarming concept, but the answer is "no." Americans will never relinquish our devotion to models (though we have been known to tolerate slightly less anorexic models). But! What if said "regular person" is the woman who spawned superhuman American fish hero Michael Phelps? Still no: Debbie Phelps, Michael's mom, has signed a six-figure endorsement deal with Chico's, the company that made most of the clothes she wore in the stands at the Olympics. Michelle Obama is also on the record as a Chico's fan!

Mama Phelps Cashes In

cityfile · 09/03/08 06:52AM

Classy: Michael Phelps' 57-year-old mom, Debbie Phelps, has signed an endorsement deal with Chico's, the chain where she picked up her outfits for her trip to Beijing. [WSJ]