
Deborah Kolben And Gal Beckerman Are Getting Married

Maggie · 11/29/07 09:55AM

Former Village Voice managing editor Deborah Kolben and Columbia Journalism Review's Gal Beckerman are getting hitched! "A sunset walk on a beach in Mexico, a couple of beers, a sobbing Debbie," is how Beckerman described his proposal. Gag. "I never thought of myself as that girl," Kolben said, "But the second I had a ring on my finger, it was 'Take a picture! Take a picture!'" Heh. What has Kolben been up to since being axed by the Voice in September, after six months on the job? Well, a piece she wrote for the New York Times last weekend on a Flatbush Dunkin' Donuts run by a Jewish woman and a Muslim man ran under the headline "Worshipping Different Gods (But United On The Pork Issue.)" We love it when the Times makes awkward and erroneous jokes about religion! A correction was swiftly issued: "A headline last Sunday about a Muslim man and an Orthodox Jewish woman who are partners in two Dunkin' Donuts stores described their religions incorrectly. The two faiths worship the same God—not different ones." [Photo by David Reeves.]

More Sunshine At 'Voice': New Managing Editor

abalk2 · 02/26/07 12:43PM

At long last, the Village Voice has found itself a managing editor. She's Deborah Kolben, most recently of the Sun. Kolben follows the defection of Sun spokesperson Maggie Shnayerson, which suggests that either there's something so wrong at New York's mostly unread wacky conservative paper (as opposed to the wacky, but read, Journal) that even Cooper Square seems idyllic by comparison or that after dealing with Alicia Colon on a regular basis, Mara Altman gives no cause for concern. Full memo after the jump.